2017-08-01T04:22:00+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true 176 Iduna, 187 Lamberta, 19 Fortuna, 195 Eurykleia, 200 Dynamene, 34 Circe, 342 Endymion, 345 Tercidina, 358 Apollonia, 366 Vincentina, 377 Campania, 392 Wilhelmina, 395 Delia, 404 Arsinoë, 405 Thia, 177 Irma, 104 Klymene, 78 Diana, 205 Martha, 207 Hedda, 211 Isolda, 51 Nemausa, 163 Erigone, 286 Iclea, 48 Doris, 481 Emita, 49 Pales, 490 Veritas, 494 Virtus, 50 Virginia, 503 Evelyn, 521 Brixia, 539 Pamina, 554 Peraga, 58 Concordia, 586 Thekla, 62 Erato, 638 Moira, 654 Zelinda, 668 Dora, 70 Panopaea, 735 Marghanna, 743 Eugenisis, 751 Faïna, 754 Malabar, 105 Artemis, 121 Hermione, 127 Johanna, 130 Elektra, 134 Sophrosyne, 141 Lumen, 144 Vibilia, 13 Egeria, 66 Maja, 145 Adeona, 146 Lucina, 156 Xanthippe, 159 Aemilia, 162 Laurentia, 168 Sibylla, 238 Hypatia, 257 Silesia, 266 Aline, 284 Amalia, 410 Chloris, 442 Eichsfeldia, 821 Fanny, 84 Klio, 853 Nansenia, 868 Lova, 910 Anneliese, 930 Westphalia, 934 Thüringia, 95 Arethusa, 98 Ianthe, 997 Priska, 91 Aegina, 41 Daphne, 109 Felicitas, 111 Ate, 112 Iphigenia flashcards
Ch-type asteroids (SMASS)

Ch-type asteroids (SMASS)

  • 176 Iduna
    176 Iduna is a large main-belt asteroid that was discovered by German-American astronomer Christian Heinrich Friedrich Peters on October 14, 1877, in Clinton, New York.
  • 187 Lamberta
    187 Lamberta is a main-belt asteroid that was discovered by French (Corsican) astronomer Jérôme Eugène Coggia on April 11, 1878 and named after the astronomer Johann Heinrich Lambert.
  • 19 Fortuna
    19 Fortuna is one of the largest main-belt asteroids.
  • 195 Eurykleia
    195 Eurykleia is a fairly large Main belt asteroid.
  • 200 Dynamene
    200 Dynamene is a large dark main-belt asteroid that was discovered by German-American astronomer Christian Heinrich Friedrich Peters on July 27, 1879, in Clinton, New York.
  • 34 Circe
    34 Circe (/ˈsɜːrsiː/ SUR-see) is a large, very dark main-belt asteroid.
  • 342 Endymion
    342 Endymion is a large Main belt asteroid.
  • 345 Tercidina
    345 Tercidina is a large main-belt asteroid.
  • 358 Apollonia
    358 Apolonia is a large Main belt asteroid.
  • 366 Vincentina
    366 Vincentina is a fairly large main belt asteroid.
  • 377 Campania
    377 Campania is a large main belt asteroid that was discovered by French astronomer Auguste Charlois on September 20, 1893 in Nice.
  • 392 Wilhelmina
    392 Wilhelmina is a large Main belt asteroid.
  • 395 Delia
    395 Delia is a large Main belt asteroid.
  • 404 Arsinoë
    404 Arsinoë is a large main-belt asteroid.
  • 405 Thia
    405 Thia is a very large main-belt asteroid.
  • 177 Irma
    177 Irma is a fairly large and dark main belt asteroid.
  • 104 Klymene
    104 Klymene is a large, dark Themistian asteroid that was discovered by J.
  • 78 Diana
    78 Diana (dye-an'-a) is a large and dark main-belt asteroid.
  • 205 Martha
    205 Martha is a large main belt asteroid.
  • 207 Hedda
    207 Hedda is a sizeable Main belt asteroid.
  • 211 Isolda
    211 Isolda is a very large, dark main-belt asteroid.
  • 51 Nemausa
    51 Nemausa /nᵻˈmɔːzə/ is a large asteroid-belt asteroid that was discovered on January 22, 1858 by one "A.
  • 163 Erigone
    163 Erigone is an asteroid from the asteroid belt and the namesake of the Erigone family of asteroids that share similar orbital elements and properties.
  • 286 Iclea
    286 Iclea is a large Main belt asteroid.
  • 48 Doris
    48 Doris is one of the largest main belt asteroids.
  • 481 Emita
    481 Emita is a minor planet orbiting the Sun that was discovered by the Italian astronomer Luigi Carnera on February 12, 1902.
  • 49 Pales
    49 Pales /ˈpeɪliːz/ is a large, dark main-belt asteroid.
  • 490 Veritas
    490 Veritas (/ˈvɛrᵻtəs/ VERR-ə-təs) is a large asteroid, which may have been involved in one of the more massive asteroid-asteroid collisions of the past 100 million years.
  • 494 Virtus
    494 Virtus is an 86 km minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 50 Virginia
    50 Virginia /vərˈdʒɪnjə/ is a large, very dark main belt asteroid.
  • 503 Evelyn
    503 Evelyn is a main belt asteroid discovered by Raymond Smith Dugan on 19 January 1903.
  • 521 Brixia
    521 Brixia is a minor planet orbiting the Sun that was discovered by American astronomer Raymond Smith Dugan on January 10, 1904.
  • 539 Pamina
    539 Pamina is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 554 Peraga
    554 Peraga is a minor planet orbiting the Sun that was discovered by German astronomer Paul Götz on January 8, 1905 from Heidelberg.
  • 58 Concordia
    58 Concordia is a fairly large asteroid-belt asteroid.
  • 586 Thekla
    586 Thekla is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 62 Erato
    62 Erato (/ˈɛrətoʊ/ ERR-ə-toh) is a large and dark, probably carbonaceous Themistian asteroid.
  • 638 Moira
    638 Moira is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 654 Zelinda
    654 Zelinda is a minor planet orbiting the Sun that was discovered on January 4, 1908 by German astronomer August Kopff.
  • 668 Dora
    668 Dora is an asteroid orbiting in the asteroid belt.
  • 70 Panopaea
    70 Panopaea (/ˈpænəˈpiːə/ PAN-ə-PEE-ə) is a large main belt asteroid.
  • 735 Marghanna
    735 Marghanna is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 743 Eugenisis
    743 Eugenisis is a minor planet orbiting the Sun that was discovered by German astronomer Franz Kaiser in 1913.
  • 751 Faïna
    751 Faïna is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 754 Malabar
    754 Malabar is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 105 Artemis
    105 Artemis is a main-belt asteroid that was discovered by J.
  • 121 Hermione
    121 Hermione is a very large asteroid discovered in 1872.
  • 127 Johanna
    127 Johanna is a large, dark main-belt asteroid that was discovered by French astronomers Paul Henry and Prosper Henry on November 5, 1872, and is believed to be named after Joan of Arc.
  • 130 Elektra
    130 Elektra is a very large outer main-belt asteroid.
  • 134 Sophrosyne
    134 Sophrosyne is a large main-belt asteroid that was discovered by German astronomer Robert Luther on September 27, 1873, and was named after the concept of sophrosyne, Plato's term for 'moderation'.
  • 141 Lumen
    141 Lumen is a dark (C-type), large rocky asteroid 130 km in diameter orbiting in the main belt near the Eunomia family of asteroids.
  • 144 Vibilia
    144 Vibilia is a large, dark main belt asteroid that was discovered by C.
  • 13 Egeria
    13 Egeria is a large main-belt G-type asteroid.
  • 66 Maja
    66 Maja /ˈmaɪ.ə/ is a dark, quite large main-belt asteroid.
  • 145 Adeona
    145 Adeona is a rather large main-belt asteroid.
  • 146 Lucina
    146 Lucina is a main-belt asteroid that was discovered by Alphonse Borrelly on June 8, 1875, and named after Lucina, the Roman goddess of childbirth.
  • 156 Xanthippe
    156 Xanthippe is a large, dark main-belt asteroid that was discovered by Austrian astronomer J.
  • 159 Aemilia
    159 Aemilia is a large main-belt asteroid.
  • 162 Laurentia
    162 Laurentia is a large and dark main-belt asteroid that was discovered by the French brothers Paul Henry and Prosper Henry on April 21, 1876, and named after A.
  • 168 Sibylla
    168 Sibylla is a large main-belt asteroid, discovered by Canadian-American astronomer J.
  • 238 Hypatia
    238 Hypatia is a very large main-belt asteroid that was discovered by Russian astronomer Viktor Knorre on July 1, 1884, in Berlin.
  • 257 Silesia
    257 Silesia is a large Main belt asteroid, about 73 kilometers in diameter.
  • 266 Aline
    266 Aline is a fairly large main belt asteroid that was discovered by Johann Palisa on May 17, 1887 in Vienna and is thought to have been named after the daughter of astronomer Edmund Weiss.
  • 284 Amalia
    284 Amalia is a large Main belt asteroid.
  • 410 Chloris
    410 Chloris is a very large main-belt asteroid that was discovered by Auguste Charlois on January 7, 1896, in Nice.
  • 442 Eichsfeldia
    442 Eichsfeldia is a large main belt asteroid that was discovered by German astronomers Max Wolf and A.
  • 821 Fanny
    821 Fanny is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 84 Klio
    84 Klio (/ˈklaɪ.oʊ/ KLY-oh) is a quite large and very dark main-belt asteroid.
  • 853 Nansenia
    853 Nansenia is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 868 Lova
    868 Lova is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 910 Anneliese
    910 Anneliese is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 930 Westphalia
    930 Westphalia is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 934 Thüringia
    934 Thüringia is a minor planet that is orbiting the Sun.
  • 95 Arethusa
    95 Arethusa (/ˌærᵻˈθjuːzə/ ARR-ə-THEW-zə) is a large main-belt asteroid.
  • 98 Ianthe
    98 Ianthe (/aɪˈænθiː/ eye-AN-thee) is a large main-belt asteroid, named for three figures in Greek mythology.
  • 997 Priska
    997 Priska is a main-belt asteroid.
  • 91 Aegina
    91 Aegina (/ᵻˈdʒaɪnə/ i-JY-nə) is a large main-belt asteroid.
  • 41 Daphne
    41 Daphne is a large asteroid from the asteroid belt.
  • 109 Felicitas
    109 Felicitas is a dark and fairly large main-belt asteroid.
  • 111 Ate
    111 Ate is a main-belt asteroid that was discovered by the German-American astronomer C.
  • 112 Iphigenia
    112 Iphigenia /ɪfᵻdʒᵻˈnaɪ.