2023-02-28T01:23:03+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>insulin, epinephrine, pH</p>, <p>c</p>, <p>increases</p>, <p>d</p>, <p>postsurgical stress, volume depletion, increased urine production </p>, <p>potassium shifts out of cell; increased K+ excretion</p>, <p>Hypokalemia </p>, <p>aldosterone stimulation, diuretics, Mg+ deficiency, GI disorders, diaphoresis</p>, <p>kidney disease, hyperglycemia, medication</p>, <p>Hyperkalemia </p>, <p>antibiotics, diuretics, laxatives, insulin, albuterol, epinephrine</p>, <p>st segment depression, prominent u-wave, flat t-wave, ventricular dysrhythmias </p>, <p>vomiting &amp; diuretics cause cl loss as well</p>, <p>b</p>, <p>serum cortisol </p>, <p>a</p>, <p>c</p>, <p>b</p>, <p>sodium bicarbonate, iv glucose/insulin, beta-2-agonist</p> flashcards
Ch. 8 part 3. Disorders of Potassium

Ch. 8 part 3. Disorders of Potassium

  • insulin, epinephrine, pH

    The movement of Potassium from ICF to ECF is affected by ______, _______, _______.

  • c

    When pH is low, how does the body respond?

    a) H+ moves from cells into blood

    b) potassium moves into the cell from blood

    c) H+ enters the cell & potassium goes to the blood

    d) none of the above.

  • increases

    As pH decreases, potassium _________.

  • d

    What happens when plasma K+ concentrations are high in the adrenal cortex?

    a) ADH is released

    b) AVP is released

    c) PTH is released

    d) Aldosterone is released

  • postsurgical stress, volume depletion, increased urine production

    Aldosterone can be stimulated by :

  • potassium shifts out of cell; increased K+ excretion

    Mg deficit leads to ________.

  • Hypokalemia

    -refers to a decrease in plasma potassium levels below 3.5 mEq/L

  • aldosterone stimulation, diuretics, Mg+ deficiency, GI disorders, diaphoresis

    What are causes of hypokalemia?

  • kidney disease, hyperglycemia, medication

    What are causes of hyperkalemia?

  • Hyperkalemia

    -refers to an increase in plasma levels of potassium in excess of 5.0mEq/L

  • antibiotics, diuretics, laxatives, insulin, albuterol, epinephrine

    Medications that can cause hypokalemia?

  • st segment depression, prominent u-wave, flat t-wave, ventricular dysrhythmias

    ECG in Hypokalemia consists of:

  • vomiting & diuretics cause cl loss as well

    KCl is used to treat hypokalemia; why?

  • b

    KHCO3 or K citrate is used to treat _________.

    a) metabolic alkalosis

    b) metabolic acidosis

  • serum cortisol

    Addison's disease is identified by what lab test?

  • a

    Which hyperkalemic medication is considered a resin that binds to potassium in the colon so that it can be excreted?

    a) kayexalate

    b) calcium gluconate IV

    c) Fludrocortisone

  • c

    Which hyperkalemic medication increases urinary excretion of potassium?

    a) kayexalate

    b) calcium gluconate IV

    c) Fludrocortisone

  • b

    Which medication is used to help counteract the cardiac and neurologic effects of hyperkalemia?

    a) kayexalate

    b) calcium gluconate IV

    c) Fludrocortisone

  • sodium bicarbonate, iv glucose/insulin, beta-2-agonist

    What are the medications that shift potassium from the blood and into the cells?