2023-04-22T22:15:35+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>infarction of the gland, removal of gland, organic damage of adenohypophysis </p>, <p>Sheehan syndrome</p>, <p>a</p>, <p>loss of body hair, decreased libido, aldosterone production cap; decreased adrenal androgen production </p>, <p>amenorrhea </p>, <p>amenorrhea, atrophic changes of vagina, uterus, and breasts</p>, <p>atrophy of testicles, decreased beard growth </p>, <p>hyperpituitarism </p>, <p>adenoma of adenohypohysis; hypothalmic cause </p>, <p>acromegaly </p>, <p>somatotropin</p>, <p>excessive secretion of: somatotropin, corticotropin/ACTH, prolactin</p>, <p>acromegaly, gigantism</p>, <p>Cushing syndrome</p>, <p>decreased production of GnRH</p>, <p>enhances amino acid transport, increases rate at which cells use fatty acids, decreases rate at which cells use carbohydrates</p>, <p>produced by somatotrophs in anterior pituitary </p>, <p>overgrowth of cartilage, enlargement of heart, disturbances in fat metabolism &amp; glucose tolerance </p>, <p>sexual precocity </p>, <p>Marfan syndrome</p>, <p>insulin-like growth factor -1 </p>, <p>connective tissue proliferation, bony proliferation, phosphate reabsorption, impaired carb tolerance, increased metabolic rate , hyperglycemia </p>, <p>somatotrope adenoma </p>, <p>excess secretion of GHRH by hypothalamic tumors, ectopic GHRH secretion by nonendocrine tumors, ectopic secretion of GH</p>, <p>normalization of: oral glucose load, IGF-1 levels; removal of tumor, relieving central pressure effects</p> flashcards
Ch. 41 pt. 2

Ch. 41 pt. 2

  • infarction of the gland, removal of gland, organic damage of adenohypophysis

    Hypopituitarism is caused by? (3)

  • Sheehan syndrome

    -pituitary infarction

  • a

    What is the most common way Hypopituitarism manifests?

    a) gradually

    b) rapid

  • loss of body hair, decreased libido, aldosterone production cap; decreased adrenal androgen production

    What are some symptoms of Cortisol deficiency in women? What is the cause?

  • amenorrhea

    -loss of menses

  • amenorrhea, atrophic changes of vagina, uterus, and breasts

    FSH & LH deficiencies in women? (2)

  • atrophy of testicles, decreased beard growth

    FSH & LH deficiencies in men? (2)

  • hyperpituitarism

    -excessive production of adenohyophyseal hormones

  • adenoma of adenohypohysis; hypothalmic cause

    What are the causes of hyperpituitarism?

  • acromegaly

    -a disorder where too much growth hormone is released; causing bones, cartilage, body organs, and other tissues to increase in size

  • somatotropin

    -growth hormone

  • excessive secretion of: somatotropin, corticotropin/ACTH, prolactin

    What are some consequences of Hyperpituitarism?

  • acromegaly, gigantism

    Excessive secretion of somatotropin can result in? (2)

  • Cushing syndrome

    Excessive secretion of corticotrophin/ACTH can result in?

  • decreased production of GnRH

    Excessive secretion of prolactin can result in?

  • enhances amino acid transport, increases rate at which cells use fatty acids, decreases rate at which cells use carbohydrates

    What are some functions of Growth Hormone? (3)

  • produced by somatotrophs in anterior pituitary

    Where is growth hormone produced?

  • overgrowth of cartilage, enlargement of heart, disturbances in fat metabolism & glucose tolerance

    Excessive secretion of GH in adults can result in what?

  • sexual precocity

    -early onset of estrogen and androgen secretion and excessive GH

  • Marfan syndrome

    -abnormally long arms, legs, and fingers

  • insulin-like growth factor -1


  • connective tissue proliferation, bony proliferation, phosphate reabsorption, impaired carb tolerance, increased metabolic rate , hyperglycemia

    Pathomechanisms of Somatotropin? (6)

  • somatotrope adenoma

    The most common cause of Acromegaly is?

  • excess secretion of GHRH by hypothalamic tumors, ectopic GHRH secretion by nonendocrine tumors, ectopic secretion of GH

    What are other causes of Acromegaly? (3)

  • normalization of: oral glucose load, IGF-1 levels; removal of tumor, relieving central pressure effects

    What are treatment goals of Acromegaly?