pontine micturition center
- a region of the brain that is activated upon increased bladder filling.
-carries afferent signaling to this region
Where is the pontine center located?
a) medulla
b) cerebrum
c) cerebellum
d) pons
inhibits spinal reflexes--activates detrusor muscle----inhibits urinary sphincter
How does the Pontine Center affect the body?
central pathways
_______ inhibit the micturition reflex
bladder emptying
The parasympathetic nervous system promotes _________.
bladder filling
The sympathetic nervous system promotes _________.
detrusor contraction, relaxation of smooth muscle sphincter & opening of bladder neck, relaxation of striated sphincter
Voiding is enabled by:
Detrusor contraction is controlled by
a) sympathetic innervation
b) somatic innervation
c) parasympathetic innervation
Relaxation of Smooth muscle sphincter and opening of bladder neck is controlled by
a) sympathetic innervation
b) somatic innervation
c) parasympathetic innervation
Relaxation of the striated sphincter is controlled by
a) sympathetic innervation
b) somatic innervation
c) parasympathetic innervation
1/2 full
When does First sensation to void usually occur?
relaxed; contracting
When the bladder fills, the detrusor muscle is _______ while the sphincter and pelvic floor are ________.
contracts; relaxed
When the bladder is voiding, the detrusor muscle ________ while the sphincter and pelvic floor are __________.
muscarinic agonistic drugs; increase bladder voiding
What kind of ANS drugs will inhibit sympathetic neurons? What does this cause?
Spastic Bladder dysfunction
-a neurogenic disorder is caused by lesions above the sacral spinal cord and causes micturition center to function reflexively without CNS
Flaccid Bladder Dysfunction
-neurologic disorder that affects motor neurons in the sacral cord that control detrusor muscle contraction.
Which Neurogenic Bladder disorder results in an impairment in bladder emptying?
a) spastic bladder dysfunction
b) flaccid bladder dysfunction
Which Neurogenic Bladder disorder results in an impairment in bladder filling?
a) spastic bladder dysfunction
b) flaccid bladder dysfunction
transient incontinence
-a result of lower urinary tract pathology
-caused by a reversible factor
delirium, infection, atrophic vulvovaginits, psychological, pharmacological, endocrine, restricted mobility, stool impaction
What are the causes of Transient Incontinence (hint* DIAPPERS)?
stress, urge, overflow, mixed
What are types of Chronic Incontinence?
stress incontinence
-involuntary loss of urine during coughing, laughing, sneezing, or lifting
-increases intra-abdominal pressure
urge incontinence
-involuntary loss of urine associated with a strong desire to void.
insufficient urethral support, urethral sphincter insufficiency, urethral instability
What are causes of stress incontinence?
overflow incontinence
–Involuntary loss of urine that occurs when intravesicular pressure exceeds the maximal urethral pressure because of bladder distention in the absence of detrusor activity
opioids, ca channel blockers, prostaglandin inhibitors, depressed detrusor activity
Pharmacological causes of incontinence?
nicotinic drugs; increase bladder storage
What kind of ANS drugs will inhibit parasympathetic neurons? What will this cause?