2023-04-09T01:03:59+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>pontine micturition center</p>, <p>d</p>, <p>inhibits spinal reflexes--activates detrusor muscle----inhibits urinary sphincter</p>, <p>central pathways</p>, <p>bladder emptying</p>, <p>bladder filling </p>, <p>detrusor contraction, relaxation of smooth muscle sphincter &amp; opening of bladder neck, relaxation of striated sphincter</p>, <p>c</p>, <p>a</p>, <p>b</p>, <p>1/2 full</p>, <p>relaxed; contracting</p>, <p>contracts; relaxed </p>, <p> muscarinic agonistic drugs; increase bladder voiding</p>, <p>Spastic Bladder dysfunction </p>, <p>Flaccid Bladder Dysfunction </p>, <p>b</p>, <p>a</p>, <p>transient incontinence </p>, <p>delirium, infection, atrophic vulvovaginits, psychological, pharmacological, endocrine, restricted mobility, stool impaction</p>, <p>stress, urge, overflow, mixed</p>, <p>stress incontinence</p>, <p>urge incontinence </p>, <p>insufficient urethral support, urethral sphincter insufficiency, urethral instability </p>, <p>overflow incontinence </p>, <p>opioids, ca channel blockers, prostaglandin inhibitors, depressed detrusor activity </p>, <p>nicotinic drugs; increase bladder storage</p> flashcards
Ch. 35 pt. 2 Disorders of Bladder

Ch. 35 pt. 2 Disorders of Bladder

  • pontine micturition center

    - a region of the brain that is activated upon increased bladder filling.

    -carries afferent signaling to this region

  • d

    Where is the pontine center located?

    a) medulla

    b) cerebrum

    c) cerebellum

    d) pons

  • inhibits spinal reflexes--activates detrusor muscle----inhibits urinary sphincter

    How does the Pontine Center affect the body?

  • central pathways

    _______ inhibit the micturition reflex

  • bladder emptying

    The parasympathetic nervous system promotes _________.

  • bladder filling

    The sympathetic nervous system promotes _________.

  • detrusor contraction, relaxation of smooth muscle sphincter & opening of bladder neck, relaxation of striated sphincter

    Voiding is enabled by:

  • c

    Detrusor contraction is controlled by

    a) sympathetic innervation

    b) somatic innervation

    c) parasympathetic innervation

  • a

    Relaxation of Smooth muscle sphincter and opening of bladder neck is controlled by

    a) sympathetic innervation

    b) somatic innervation

    c) parasympathetic innervation

  • b

    Relaxation of the striated sphincter is controlled by

    a) sympathetic innervation

    b) somatic innervation

    c) parasympathetic innervation

  • 1/2 full

    When does First sensation to void usually occur?

  • relaxed; contracting

    When the bladder fills, the detrusor muscle is _______ while the sphincter and pelvic floor are ________.

  • contracts; relaxed

    When the bladder is voiding, the detrusor muscle ________ while the sphincter and pelvic floor are __________.

  • muscarinic agonistic drugs; increase bladder voiding

    What kind of ANS drugs will inhibit sympathetic neurons? What does this cause?

  • Spastic Bladder dysfunction

    -a neurogenic disorder is caused by lesions above the sacral spinal cord and causes micturition center to function reflexively without CNS

  • Flaccid Bladder Dysfunction

    -neurologic disorder that affects motor neurons in the sacral cord that control detrusor muscle contraction.

  • b

    Which Neurogenic Bladder disorder results in an impairment in bladder emptying?

    a) spastic bladder dysfunction

    b) flaccid bladder dysfunction

  • a

    Which Neurogenic Bladder disorder results in an impairment in bladder filling?

    a) spastic bladder dysfunction

    b) flaccid bladder dysfunction

  • transient incontinence

    -a result of lower urinary tract pathology

    -caused by a reversible factor

  • delirium, infection, atrophic vulvovaginits, psychological, pharmacological, endocrine, restricted mobility, stool impaction

    What are the causes of Transient Incontinence (hint* DIAPPERS)?

  • stress, urge, overflow, mixed

    What are types of Chronic Incontinence?

  • stress incontinence

    -involuntary loss of urine during coughing, laughing, sneezing, or lifting

    -increases intra-abdominal pressure

  • urge incontinence

    -involuntary loss of urine associated with a strong desire to void.

  • insufficient urethral support, urethral sphincter insufficiency, urethral instability

    What are causes of stress incontinence?

  • overflow incontinence

    –Involuntary loss of urine that occurs when intravesicular pressure exceeds the maximal urethral pressure because of bladder distention in the absence of detrusor activity

  • opioids, ca channel blockers, prostaglandin inhibitors, depressed detrusor activity

    Pharmacological causes of incontinence?

  • nicotinic drugs; increase bladder storage

    What kind of ANS drugs will inhibit parasympathetic neurons? What will this cause?