2023-03-26T02:32:24+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>remove metabolic end products from the blood; regulate fluid, electrolyte, and pH balance of ecf.</p>, <p>onset phase, maintenance phase, recovery phase</p>, <p>c</p>, <p>a</p>, <p>b</p>, <p>any factor that reduces renal blood flow</p>, <p>atherosclerotic; renal insufficiency </p>, <p>hypo-perfusion, majory surgery, exposure to endogenous toxins</p>, <p> Pre-renal azotemia</p>, <p>intravascular fluid loss; effective circulating volume without loss of total body fluid</p>, <p>Portal hypertension with ascites</p>, <p>if fluid loss is the cause, use IV normal solution; if ATN is cause, IV saline is ineffective </p>, <p>Renal cortical necrosis</p>, <p>sepsis</p>, <p>may make kidney unable to concentrate urine</p>, <p>sickle cell anemia</p>, <p>no specific treatment; treat underlying cause and should heal on its own</p>, <p>Bilateral Ureteral Obstruction (BUO)</p>, <p>Bladder outlet obstruction (BOO)</p>, <p>prostate; men</p> flashcards
Ch. 34 part. 1

Ch. 34 part. 1

  • remove metabolic end products from the blood; regulate fluid, electrolyte, and pH balance of ecf.

    Renal failure is defined as a condition in which the kidneys fail to:

  • onset phase, maintenance phase, recovery phase

    What are the phases of acute renal failure?

  • c

    Which phase of Acute Renal failure lasts hours or days from onset of precipitating event until tubular injury occurs?

    a) maintenance phase

    b) recovery phase

    c) onset phase

  • a

    Which phase of Acute Renal failure characterized by a marked decrease in GFR?

    a) maintenance phase

    b) recovery phase

    c) onset phase

  • b

    Which phase is a period in which repair of renal tissue takes place?

    a) maintenance phase

    b) recovery phase

    c) onset phase

  • any factor that reduces renal blood flow

    What are Prerenal causes of acute kidney injury?

  • atherosclerotic; renal insufficiency

    NSAIDS can reduce GFR in patients with ________ & ________.

  • hypo-perfusion, majory surgery, exposure to endogenous toxins

    What are causes of Acute Tubular Necrosis?

  • Pre-renal azotemia

    -renal perfusion decreased enough to elevate serum BUN; not enough to cause ischemic damage to tubular cells.

  • intravascular fluid loss; effective circulating volume without loss of total body fluid

    Pre-renal azotemia can occur by _______ or _________.

  • Portal hypertension with ascites

    -build up of fluid in space between abdomen lining and abdominal organs.

  • if fluid loss is the cause, use IV normal solution; if ATN is cause, IV saline is ineffective

    Explain Pre-renal Azotemia treatment.

  • Renal cortical necrosis

    -death of the tissue in the outer part of kidney

    -causes by blockage of small arteries that supply blood to cortex

  • sepsis

    Renal cortical necrosis usually follows after

  • may make kidney unable to concentrate urine

    What can happen when Renal papillary necrosis occurs?

  • sickle cell anemia

    Most common cause of Renal papillary necrosis?

  • no specific treatment; treat underlying cause and should heal on its own

    How do we treat renal papillary necrosis?

  • Bilateral Ureteral Obstruction (BUO)

    -blockage in one or both of the ureters that carry urine from kidneys to bladder

  • Bladder outlet obstruction (BOO)

    -occurs when there is a blockage at the base or neck of the bladder

  • prostate; men

    BOO is linked to ________ problems. Therefore it is more common in _____.