remove metabolic end products from the blood; regulate fluid, electrolyte, and pH balance of ecf.
Renal failure is defined as a condition in which the kidneys fail to:
onset phase, maintenance phase, recovery phase
What are the phases of acute renal failure?
Which phase of Acute Renal failure lasts hours or days from onset of precipitating event until tubular injury occurs?
a) maintenance phase
b) recovery phase
c) onset phase
Which phase of Acute Renal failure characterized by a marked decrease in GFR?
a) maintenance phase
b) recovery phase
c) onset phase
Which phase is a period in which repair of renal tissue takes place?
a) maintenance phase
b) recovery phase
c) onset phase
any factor that reduces renal blood flow
What are Prerenal causes of acute kidney injury?
atherosclerotic; renal insufficiency
NSAIDS can reduce GFR in patients with ________ & ________.
hypo-perfusion, majory surgery, exposure to endogenous toxins
What are causes of Acute Tubular Necrosis?
Pre-renal azotemia
-renal perfusion decreased enough to elevate serum BUN; not enough to cause ischemic damage to tubular cells.
intravascular fluid loss; effective circulating volume without loss of total body fluid
Pre-renal azotemia can occur by _______ or _________.
Portal hypertension with ascites
-build up of fluid in space between abdomen lining and abdominal organs.
if fluid loss is the cause, use IV normal solution; if ATN is cause, IV saline is ineffective
Explain Pre-renal Azotemia treatment.
Renal cortical necrosis
-death of the tissue in the outer part of kidney
-causes by blockage of small arteries that supply blood to cortex
Renal cortical necrosis usually follows after
may make kidney unable to concentrate urine
What can happen when Renal papillary necrosis occurs?
sickle cell anemia
Most common cause of Renal papillary necrosis?
no specific treatment; treat underlying cause and should heal on its own
How do we treat renal papillary necrosis?
Bilateral Ureteral Obstruction (BUO)
-blockage in one or both of the ureters that carry urine from kidneys to bladder
Bladder outlet obstruction (BOO)
-occurs when there is a blockage at the base or neck of the bladder
prostate; men
BOO is linked to ________ problems. Therefore it is more common in _____.