2023-03-25T15:45:32+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>nidus; urinary environment that supports continued crystallization of stone components </p>, <p>nidus</p>, <p>stasis of urine; development of back-pressure </p>, <p>stasis of urine</p>, <p>development of backpressure</p>, <p>excessive amounts of insoluble salts in filtrate &amp; low fluid intake</p>, <p>when flow of urine is obstructed</p>, <p>urinary oxalate &amp; long-term mega-dosing of vitamin c</p>, <p>calcium</p>, <p>calcium</p>, <p>struvite</p>, <p>uti</p>, <p>impaired purine metabolism </p>, <p>begin asymptomatic; patients realize they have one when the ureter becomes obstructed; this results in pain and renal dysfunction</p>, <p>the pain is caused by vigorous contracts of ureter</p>, <p>Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy; no surgery; some drugs can partially dissolve them</p>, <p>diet, calcium salt, thiazide diuretics, cellulose phosphate</p>, <p>Cystitis </p>, <p>Pyelonephritis </p>, <p>through the urethra</p>, <p>Prostatic hypertrophy </p>, <p>Neurogenic bladder</p>, <p>Washout phenomenon, mucin layer, normal flora of periurethral area (in women), prostate secretions (in men)</p>, <p>Washout phenomenon</p>, <p>Mucin layer</p>, <p>occur when GI bacteria spread from the anus to the urethra</p>, <p>b</p>, <p>b</p>, <p>a</p>, <p>b</p>, <p>the ability of tubules to concentrate urine; low is related to renal failure</p>, <p>Bactrim, increased fluid intake</p>, <p>tannin in cranberry juice makes it difficult for e.coli to stick to bladder mucosa</p> flashcards
Ch. 33 part. 3

Ch. 33 part. 3

  • nidus; urinary environment that supports continued crystallization of stone components

    What are the requirements for Kidney stone formation?

  • nidus

    -a location in which bacteria may multiply

  • stasis of urine; development of back-pressure

    What are some damaging effects of Urinary obstruction?

  • stasis of urine

    -predisposes to infection and stone formation.

  • development of backpressure

    -interferes with renal blood flow and destroys kidney tissue

  • excessive amounts of insoluble salts in filtrate & low fluid intake

    What are some causes of Calculi?

  • when flow of urine is obstructed

    When do Calculi manifest?

  • urinary oxalate & long-term mega-dosing of vitamin c

    What are some causes of Calcium stones?

  • calcium

    Dietary _______ intake is inversely related to stones.

  • calcium

    What are the most common kidney stones?

  • struvite

    Which stones require surgery to be removed?

  • uti

    What is the primary cause of Struvite stones?

  • impaired purine metabolism

    What is the cause of uric acid stones?

  • begin asymptomatic; patients realize they have one when the ureter becomes obstructed; this results in pain and renal dysfunction

    Explain the manifestation of Calculi.

  • the pain is caused by vigorous contracts of ureter

    What causes pain in Kidney stones?

  • Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy; no surgery; some drugs can partially dissolve them

    How are large stones dealt with?

  • diet, calcium salt, thiazide diuretics, cellulose phosphate

    What are preventative treatments for Calculi?

  • Cystitis

    -Lower UTIs

  • Pyelonephritis

    -Upper UTIs

  • through the urethra

    Where do bacteria usually enter in order to cause a UTI?

  • Prostatic hypertrophy

    -condition in which an overgrowth of prostate tissue pushes against the urethra and the bladder, blocking the flow of urine.

  • Neurogenic bladder

    -us due to neurologic dysfunction stemming from internal or external trauma, disease, or injury

  • Washout phenomenon, mucin layer, normal flora of periurethral area (in women), prostate secretions (in men)

    What are some protective mechanisms against UTIs?

  • Washout phenomenon

    -urine from the bladder normally washes bacteria out of the urethra

  • Mucin layer

    -acts by binding water, which then serves as a protective barrier between the bacteria and the bladder epithelium

  • occur when GI bacteria spread from the anus to the urethra

    How do infections of the urethra occur?

  • b

    The pain in this condition originates from the renal capsule stretching.

    a) cystitis

    b) pyelonephritis

  • b

    Which type of inflammation with the urinary tract results in urinary casts?

    a) cystitis

    b) pyelonephritis

  • a

    The pain in this condition originates from urine flowing on inflamed bladder wall.

    a) cystitis

    b) pyelonephritis

  • b

    Which condition results in a urinalysis that that has leukocytes & renal epithelial cells?

    a) cystitis

    b) pyelonephritis

  • the ability of tubules to concentrate urine; low is related to renal failure

    What does specific gravity tell us in a Urinalysis? What does a low number tell us?

  • Bactrim, increased fluid intake

    What treatment options are available for UTI?

  • tannin in cranberry juice makes it difficult for e.coli to stick to bladder mucosa

    Why is cranberry juice recommended for UTI?