The term engineering is derived from
Latin ingenium, meaning “ cleverness” and ingeniare, meaning “to contrive, devise”.
military engineers with expertise in military and civil works; makes “ machines of works
Early applications
The profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience, and practice which is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize, economically, the materials and forces of the nature for the benefit of mankind.
A person applying his mathematical and science knowledge properly for mankind. It is a discipline not an ar
Directing the actions of a group to achieve a goal in most efficient manner Getting things done through other people Process of achieving organizational goals by working with and through people and organizational resources
planning, staffing, controlling, organizing, directing
The process of designing and maintaining an environment in which, individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish organizational goals/objectives. “technical knowledge with the ability to organize and coordinate worker power, materials, machinery, and money.
interpersonal, informational, decision roles
Represents the organization at official events or in symbolic ways (e.g., cutting a ribbon at a ceremony)
Motivates, directs, and builds relationships with employees, guiding them to achieve goals.
Connects with other people or groups (both inside and outside the organization) to transact or to build networks.
Constantly scans the internal and external environment for relevant information
Shares important information with team members or other departments.
Communicates organizational information or policies to external stakeholders, like the media or partners.
Identifies opportunities for innovation or change and takes initiative to make things happen.
Deals with unexpected issues or conflicts, helping to resolve crises or disruptions.
Disturbance Handler
Decides where to allocate resources (e.g., time, money, people) to maximize effectiveness
Resource Allocator
Represents the organization in discussions, resolving conflicts or making deals.
Primary management function, the one on which all others depend Develop strategies for success, establish goals and objectives for organization, and translate their strategies and goals into action plans
outline the firm's long-range (two to five years) organizational goals and set a course of action the firm will pursue to reach its goals.
Strategic plans/Strategic Planning Process
budgets, production schedules, industry and economic data, customer preferences, internal and external data, competition
is a broad, long-range accomplishment that the organization wishes to attain in typically five or more years
A goal
is a specific, short-range target designed to help reach that goal
an objective
lay out actions and the allocation of resources necessary to achieve specific, short-term objectives that support the company 's broader strategic plan.
Tactical Plans
designate the actions and resources required to achieve the objectives of tactical plans.
Operational Plans
the process of arranging resources to carry out the organization's plans is the second major function of managers.
are the upper-level managers who have the most power and who take overall responsibility for the organization. An example is the chief executive officer (CEO).
top manager
have similar responsibilities, but usually for just one division or uni. They develop plans for implementing the broad goals set by top managers, and they coordinate the work of first-line managers.
middle managers
They oversee the work of operating employees, and they put into action the plans developed at higher levels. Positions at this level include supervisor, department head, and office manager.
first-line managers or bottom managers
The Engineer Manager maybe assigned to head a small engineering unit of the firm.
Level One Firm
The Engineer Manager maybe assigned to head an engineering division.
Level Two Firm
The Engineer Manager has the opportunity to become the President or General Manager. In this case he cannot function effectively without adequate management skills
Level Three Firm
ensures the right people are in the right roles to meet organizational goal
Involves recruitment, selection, training, development, and performance management
Staffing Function
the process of influencing and motivating people to work effectively and willingly toward company goals—is the third basic function of management.
have the ability to recognize their own feelings and how they, their job performance, and other people are affected by those feelings.
Self aware managers
s have the ability to control or reduce disruptive impulses and moods. They can suspend judgment and think before acting. Moreover, they know how to utilize the appropriate emotion at the right time and in the right amount.
Self regulated managers
are driven to achieve beyond expectations— their own and everyone else's.
Motivated managers
thoughtfully consider employees' feelings, along with other factors, in the process of making intelligent decisions.
Empathetic managers
tend to have a wide circle of acquaintances, and they have a knack for finding common ground with people of all kinds. They assume that nothing important gets done by one person alone and have a network in place when the time for action comes
Socially skilled managers
make decisions without consulting others.
autocratic leaders
delegate authority and involve employees in decision making. Even though their approach can lead to slower decisions, soliciting input from people familiar with particular situations or issues may result in better decisions.
democratic leaders
is sometimes referred to as free-rein leadership.
take the role of consultant, encouraging employees' ideas and offering insights or opinions when asked.
laissez-faire leaders
Adapting leadership style to current business circumstances is called
contingency leadership
means monitoring a firm's progress toward meeting its organizational goals and objectives, resetting the course if goals or objectives change in response to shifting conditions, and correcting deviations if goals or objectives are not being attained
To communicate with other people, work effectively with them, motivate them, and lead them are interpersonal skills
interpersonal skills
A person who knows how to operate a machine, prepare a financial statement, program a computer, or pass a football has technical skills: Managers at all levels use administrative skills, which are the technical skills necessary to manage an organization.
technical skills
Managers need conceptual skills to see the organization as a whole, in the context of its environment, and to understand how the various parts interrelate
conceptual skills
is a group of individuals who are cooperating willingly and effectively for a common goal. To be specific, this seeks to know who is to do and what is to be done.
are structured to promote better management. However, it is the performance of the people who fill the positions that determines the success of the enterprise and not the organizational design itself.
These are the different members of the organization starting from the very top of the last workman in the enterprise
Represents the materials necessary in the distribution of functions or in the attainment of its objectives.
The tools necessary in producing its desired output.
The procedures and way used in the course of its actions.
The financial resources of the organization.
The functions to be performed, the groupings of functions, and the vertical and horizontal task relationships among functions.
Distribution of Functions
Who have the authority to do what
Vertical and Horizontal Authority Relationships
The manner in which formal decisions are made and by whom
Communication and Decision Processes
The decision, roles or guidelines established
A clear and complete definition of the objective must be known. Any business concern or any individual must adhere to a definite purpose or aim.
Principle of Objective
There should be a study as to whether the project could be finished at the right time and at the right price the client will be able to pay.
The simplest organization that will serve to attain the desired objective is considered the best
A function is a normal or characteristic way of doing a task that stands out distinctively by itself. The organization should be built around the main functions of the business and not around individuals.
In big organization, the scope of operation can be very broad, necessitating departmentalization to achieve a smoother flow of operations.
In every organization there should be centralized executive control or command authority. This is necessary in order to have authority and responsibility definitely fixed.
Centralization of Authority and Responsibility
The number of subordinates an executive can manage effectively
Limited Span of Control
is a system through which a economic activity was organized by those who seek to make profit. Fundamentally, most construction enterprises are selling the time of workers, their machineries, plant, equipment and money.
It is the process of directing and facilitating the work of people who are organized for a common purpose.
Management as a process.
It is the function of getting things done through the efforts of others. It is the application of authority and the assumption of responsibility. It is the art of handling people.
Management as a function.
Management Concept
-Management to be effective must be systematic. -Management to be successful must be scientific. -Management must be humanistic
also includes activities that require restrictive or corrective action. The success or failure of any enterprise depends greatly upon the manager. To him, the most effective tool for success is management or executive control. This involves setting overall objective or measurments to serve as a yardstick for allocating resources and for evaluating performance.
management control
it is the job of making things happen that would otherwise not occur objectives of the enterprise policies, procedures, budgets, and programs
improving the organization will always improve performance
it is guiding and overseeing subordinates
the process by which an executive imaginatively directs, guides or influences the work of others in choosing and attaining particular ends
the process by whereby an executive develops an orderly pattern of the group effort among the subordinates, and secures unity of action in the pursuit of common purpose
it is the process by which an executive gets the performance of his subordinates to correspond as closely as possible to chosen plans, orders, objectives or policies.
general statements, which guide or channel the thinking and action of members of an organization
involves the selection of a course of action and applied to future activities