2024-09-01T18:48:59+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>is the process</p><p>of services creating cost data like reference</p><p>costs, cost databases and costing algorithms</p><p>for the purpose of construction, repair.</p><p>maintenance, or capital planning purposes.</p>, <p> involves scientific</p><p>principles and techniques are applied to</p><p>problems of cost estimation, cost control,</p><p>business planning and management service</p>, <p>In 1956, cost engineers formed an association under the name of the</p>, <p>This association is</p><p>devoted to the advancement of cost engineering wherein scientific</p><p>principles and techniques are applied to problems of cost estimation,</p><p>cost control, business planning, and management service.</p>, <p>is an internal accounting systems designed for managing</p><p>costs in an organization. It provides information for controlling costs.</p>, <p> is a method of presentation of the financial status of the</p><p>organization to the stakeholders, legal authorities or financial institutions who</p><p>are not directly involved in the day-to-day running of the organization.</p>, <p>The role of cost engineering in the project execution stage is just as important.</p><p>Basically, its functions will include:</p>, <p>Instead of waiting for an overall design completion, the proposal estimate should be refined and issued as the </p>, <p>This definitive, or control estimate, should be in such detail as to indicate all the equipment with specifications and physical characteristics, a complete bulk-material take-off with costs, construction manhours, all construction support facilities, and all indirect costs.</p>, <p>All bids for equipment and bulk materials must be reviewed by</p><p>the cost engineering department to ensure conformance with</p><p>the budget.</p>, <p> is defined by the American Association of Cost Engineers (AACE) as the application of procedures which attempt to limit project costs to those authorized, to focus control efforts where they will be most effective and to achieve maximum control at minimum cost.</p>, <p> a procedure used to make predictions or</p><p>estimates about the future of an ongoing project. By analyzing</p><p>metrics such as cost, duration and the quality or performance of</p><p>the deliverable, project managers can determine whether a</p><p>project is on track.</p>, <p>This is the main function of the cost engineer during the</p><p>construction phase.</p>, <p>As part of the cost-control function, the cost engineer is</p><p>constantly involved in</p>, <p> is a fact of life in the construction of any project.</p><p>Regardless of how well the plant is designed, how much has</p><p>been completed, and what the final bid specifications are,</p><p>changes and additions are always present.</p>, <p>part of the process of submitting a proposal for a</p><p>construction project.</p>, <p>All bids for equipment and bulk materials must be reviewed by</p><p>the cost engineering department </p>, <p> submitted to the client with the bid will be a</p><p>binding document, even though this may include only</p><p>milestone activities or events.</p>, <p> could be used in the initial stage of</p><p>the project, but as the job progresses and more details are</p><p>known, the schedule could be expanded accordingly.</p>, <p>The schedule should parallel activities shown in the estimate and</p><p>should be prepared by </p>, <p> is a qualified professional dedicated to TCM (Total Cost</p><p>Management) over the life cycle of a project, facility or manufacturing</p><p>operation.</p>, <p>Cost Engineers are responsible for carefully _____ and ______ the</p><p>integrity of all project capitalizable, and related non-capitalizable, cost data.</p>, <p>The cost engineer studies </p>, <p>Engineers and their achievements have been</p><p>around for millennia. An early example is a</p><p>treatise that discusses engineering and</p><p>capital investment in mining and metals in</p><p>Latin entitled</p>, <p>by 1852, the ______ was founded.</p>, <p>Civil engineering in the United Kingdom (UK) led the way primarily</p><p>because of its role in the construction of canals for </p>, <p>It is in the ___era that the first</p><p>of our early ‘cost engineers’ comes to light.</p>, <p> is considered the father of formal</p><p>‘engineering economy’ practice which is central to</p><p>the practice of Cost Engineering and investment</p><p>decision making</p>, <p> became an author publishing the</p><p>“Methods for the Computation from Diagrams of</p><p>Preliminary and Final Estimates of Railway</p><p>Earthwork” in 1874 at the still young age of 27.</p>, <p>From a cost estimating perspective this became a valuable</p><p>reference on the practice of </p>, <p>refers to the estimation of materials,</p><p>resources, and labor needed to complete a construction project.</p>, <p>his first notable contribution to</p><p>Cost Engineering is his prodigious publication</p><p>of numerous unit cost data books from 1903</p><p>to 1922 encompassing thousands of pages on</p><p>rock excavation, earth excavation, clearing</p><p>and grubbing, concrete, roads, mechanical</p><p>and electrical</p>, <p>Mr. Gillette's other notable contribution was to the practice of cost control. His text</p><p>with Richard Dana titled _______ in 1909</p><p>laid out many of the practices of cost management used in construction</p><p>today.</p>, <p>are expenses that can be traced directly to a</p><p>specific construction activity, task or project. These costs are the</p><p>building blocks of any construction project. Direct costs are often</p><p>referred to as project costs.</p>, <p>refer to the indirect costs related with</p><p>running a construction project that are not directly attributed to</p><p>any specific task or material. These costs are essential for</p><p>ensuring smooth operations and achieving project success.</p>, <p>He graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering from Cornell University</p><p>in 1892 and joined the faculty of Stanford in 1893; he taught at Stanford</p><p>for the next 42 years. He taught courses in railroad engineering and</p><p>other topics, but is most remembered for his work in engineering</p><p>economy.</p>, <p>Two professors, ____ and _____ founded</p><p>Industrial Research Services, Inc. in 1942 to “assist businesses in</p><p>obtaining and managing information pertinent to estimating project</p><p>costs” in the process industries.</p>, <p>They went on to publish a book in 1949 entitled ‘Chemical Engineering</p><p>Costs’ which by 1952 evolved into a regularly updated publication; the</p><p>‘Chemical Engineering Costs Quarterly’</p>, <p>A supervising engineer that suggested the idea to form</p><p>an organization to Zimmerman and Lavine. He suggested the title/name</p><p>to be “National Association of Cost Estimating Engineers</p>, <p>can analyze vast datasets to forecast potential cost</p><p>overruns and identify risk factors early in the project lifecycle.</p>, <p>The complexity and scale of modern projects demand a more</p><p>advanced approach to identifying, analyzing and mitigating risks.</p>, <p>Environmentally sustainable practices are a fundamental shift in</p><p>project planning and execution.</p>, <p>To identify the costs associated with an activity, construction</p><p>costs are categorized into </p>, <p> are costs that can be correlated to a specific</p><p>activity or a work-item which is being done or constructed</p>, <p>all costs connected with materials which become</p><p>permanent part of the project; can be measured and</p><p>costed item-wise</p>, <p>covers net expenses for procurement, maintenance,</p><p>and wages of foremen and all category of workers</p><p>employed at the work site for the execution of an item</p><p>of project.</p>, <p>all other expenses on account of services</p><p>rendered, which can be directly attributed to and</p><p>clearly identified with the execution of an activity</p><p>or work-item.</p>, <p>all costs which are attributable to a given project</p><p>but cannot be identified with the performance of</p><p>a specific activity or a work-package; range of</p><p>indirect costs vary from 7.5% to 35% of the total</p><p>costs.</p>, <p>all indirect manpower, indirect materials and other expenses</p><p>of the functional set-ups concerned with providing technical</p><p>and logistic support to the production centers</p>, <p>contain indirect manpower, indirect materials and other</p><p>expenses incurred by the project management for the</p><p>direction, control and administration of the project</p>, <p>direct material costs includes the following:</p>, <p>direct labor includes:</p>, <p>EXAMPLES OF OTHER DIRECT EXPENSES</p>, <p>expenses relating to the operations and services</p><p>rendered by the home-office</p>, <p>it includes construction management and related</p><p>staff</p>, <p>it includes logistics, clerks, security,</p><p>site cleaning, warehousing, maintenance of equipment, (except</p><p>personnel involved in temporary facilities, construction,</p><p>operation, maintenance and dismantling).</p>, <p>it includes supply, installation</p><p>(incl. labor) and dismantling of temporary facilities such as, but</p><p>not limited to:</p>, <p> it consist of operating costs associated</p><p>with temporary</p>, <p> it covers costs associated (except transportation</p><p>costs) with construction equipment, vehicles, cars, spare parts, in the</p><p>entire duration of the project</p>, <p>it includes costs of fuel,</p><p>lubricants, small tools, wearing parts and consumables</p>, <p>it covers supply, installation and dismantling of camp</p><p>and related facilities (kitchen, temporary roads, utility materials)</p>, <p>it includes catering and camp operating costs</p>, <p>it caters for personnal</p><p>equipment, temporary facility item, small tools, consumables, camp</p><p>structure and other facilities</p>, <p>In some contracts, most of the indirect costs are priced under the</p><p>preliminaries section of the BOQ and the balance is distributed</p><p>proportionally in the remaining items of the BOQ.</p>, <p>is a process where project</p><p>managers predict the amount of money they need</p><p>to fund their projects.</p>, <p>IMPORTANCE OF COST ESTIMATION</p>, <p>uses historical data to</p><p>calculate the costs associated with different components of a</p><p>project.</p>, <p>“preliminary” or “ballpark” estimate, less than ____</p><p>accuracy</p>, <p>are common</p><p>methods used in cost estimation, particularly in</p><p>construction and real estate.</p>, <p>Involves calculating costs based on</p><p>the area of a space. It is commonly used for estimating costs</p><p>related to flooring, painting, roofing, and other surface-based</p><p>elements.</p>, <p> This method involves calculating</p><p>costs based on the volume of a space. It is used for</p><p>estimating costs related to volumetric elements such as</p><p>insulation, concrete, or excavation.</p>, <p> involve determining the total cost of a</p><p>construction assembly or unit, which includes materials, labor, and</p><p>other components needed to complete a specific segment of the</p><p>project.</p>, <p>involve estimating the costs associated with</p><p>entire systems within a construction project, such as electrical</p><p>systems or plumbing systems.</p>, <p>intermediate level estimates, when drawings are</p><p>___ complete</p><p>within _____ accuracy</p>, <p>the most widely used format</p><p>of contract. For a number of reasons, almost all contracts</p><p>that involve public funds are awarded using competitively</p><p>bid contracts.</p>, <p>is one in which the contractor</p><p>quotes one price, which covers all work and services required by the</p><p>contract plans and specifications.</p>, <p>the project is broken down into work</p><p>items that can be characterized by units such as cubic yards,</p><p>linear and square feet, and piece numbers</p>, <p> is the second most widely used contract</p><p>format.</p> flashcards
cets 1 topic 1-2

cets 1 topic 1-2

  • is the process

    of services creating cost data like reference

    costs, cost databases and costing algorithms

    for the purpose of construction, repair.

    maintenance, or capital planning purposes.

    Construction Cost Engineering

  • involves scientific

    principles and techniques are applied to

    problems of cost estimation, cost control,

    business planning and management service

    Cost engineering

  • In 1956, cost engineers formed an association under the name of the

    American Association of Cost Engineers, or AACE

  • This association is

    devoted to the advancement of cost engineering wherein scientific

    principles and techniques are applied to problems of cost estimation,

    cost control, business planning, and management service.

    American Association of Cost Engineers, or AACE

  • is an internal accounting systems designed for managing

    costs in an organization. It provides information for controlling costs.

    Cost accounting

  • is a method of presentation of the financial status of the

    organization to the stakeholders, legal authorities or financial institutions who

    are not directly involved in the day-to-day running of the organization.

    Financial accounting

  • The role of cost engineering in the project execution stage is just as important.

    Basically, its functions will include:

    1.Project Budgets

    2.Assistance during the 3.Design Phase

    4.Evaluation of Bids

    5.Cost Control and 6.Forecasting

    7.Review of Extra Work

    8.Planning and Scheduling

  • Instead of waiting for an overall design completion, the proposal estimate should be refined and issued as the

    project budget

  • This definitive, or control estimate, should be in such detail as to indicate all the equipment with specifications and physical characteristics, a complete bulk-material take-off with costs, construction manhours, all construction support facilities, and all indirect costs.

    project budgets

  • All bids for equipment and bulk materials must be reviewed by

    the cost engineering department to ensure conformance with

    the budget.

    evaluation of bids

  • is defined by the American Association of Cost Engineers (AACE) as the application of procedures which attempt to limit project costs to those authorized, to focus control efforts where they will be most effective and to achieve maximum control at minimum cost.

    Cost control

  • a procedure used to make predictions or

    estimates about the future of an ongoing project. By analyzing

    metrics such as cost, duration and the quality or performance of

    the deliverable, project managers can determine whether a

    project is on track.


  • This is the main function of the cost engineer during the

    construction phase.

    Cost control and Forecasting

  • As part of the cost-control function, the cost engineer is

    constantly involved in

    estimating work in place,

    cost to complete, the cost of alternative designs, and scope changes.

  • is a fact of life in the construction of any project.

    Regardless of how well the plant is designed, how much has

    been completed, and what the final bid specifications are,

    changes and additions are always present.

    Extra work

  • part of the process of submitting a proposal for a

    construction project.


  • All bids for equipment and bulk materials must be reviewed by

    the cost engineering department

    to ensure conformance with

    the budget.

  • submitted to the client with the bid will be a

    binding document, even though this may include only

    milestone activities or events.

    The schedule

  • could be used in the initial stage of

    the project, but as the job progresses and more details are

    known, the schedule could be expanded accordingly.

    The "milestone" schedule

  • The schedule should parallel activities shown in the estimate and

    should be prepared by

    Cost Engineers with the cooperation of all

    departments involved.

  • is a qualified professional dedicated to TCM (Total Cost

    Management) over the life cycle of a project, facility or manufacturing


    Cost Engineer

  • Cost Engineers are responsible for carefully _____ and ______ the

    integrity of all project capitalizable, and related non-capitalizable, cost data.

    managing and maintaining

  • The cost engineer studies

    all actual costs, using as many cost

    categories as possible.

  • Engineers and their achievements have been

    around for millennia. An early example is a

    treatise that discusses engineering and

    capital investment in mining and metals in

    Latin entitled

    ‘De Re Metallica’ by Agricola in 1556

  • by 1852, the ______ was founded.

    American Society of Civil Engineers and

    Architects (ASCE®)

  • Civil engineering in the United Kingdom (UK) led the way primarily

    because of its role in the construction of canals for

    transport to

    support the industrial revolution.

  • It is in the ___era that the first

    of our early ‘cost engineers’ comes to light.

    railway mania

  • is considered the father of formal

    ‘engineering economy’ practice which is central to

    the practice of Cost Engineering and investment

    decision making

    Arthur Wellington

  • became an author publishing the

    “Methods for the Computation from Diagrams of

    Preliminary and Final Estimates of Railway

    Earthwork” in 1874 at the still young age of 27.

    Arthur Wellington

  • From a cost estimating perspective this became a valuable

    reference on the practice of

    quantity takeoff

  • refers to the estimation of materials,

    resources, and labor needed to complete a construction project.

    Quantity takeoff

  • his first notable contribution to

    Cost Engineering is his prodigious publication

    of numerous unit cost data books from 1903

    to 1922 encompassing thousands of pages on

    rock excavation, earth excavation, clearing

    and grubbing, concrete, roads, mechanical

    and electrical


  • Mr. Gillette's other notable contribution was to the practice of cost control. His text

    with Richard Dana titled _______ in 1909

    laid out many of the practices of cost management used in construction


    Cost Keeping and Management Engineering

  • are expenses that can be traced directly to a

    specific construction activity, task or project. These costs are the

    building blocks of any construction project. Direct costs are often

    referred to as project costs.

    Direct costs

  • refer to the indirect costs related with

    running a construction project that are not directly attributed to

    any specific task or material. These costs are essential for

    ensuring smooth operations and achieving project success.

    Overhead expenses

  • He graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering from Cornell University

    in 1892 and joined the faculty of Stanford in 1893; he taught at Stanford

    for the next 42 years. He taught courses in railroad engineering and

    other topics, but is most remembered for his work in engineering



  • Two professors, ____ and _____ founded

    Industrial Research Services, Inc. in 1942 to “assist businesses in

    obtaining and managing information pertinent to estimating project

    costs” in the process industries.

    Dr. Irvin Lavine and Dr. O.T. Zimmerman

  • They went on to publish a book in 1949 entitled ‘Chemical Engineering

    Costs’ which by 1952 evolved into a regularly updated publication; the

    ‘Chemical Engineering Costs Quarterly’

    Dr. Irvin Lavine and Dr. O.T. Zimmerman

  • A supervising engineer that suggested the idea to form

    an organization to Zimmerman and Lavine. He suggested the title/name

    to be “National Association of Cost Estimating Engineers

    Norman Bach

  • can analyze vast datasets to forecast potential cost

    overruns and identify risk factors early in the project lifecycle.

    AI algorithms

  • The complexity and scale of modern projects demand a more

    advanced approach to identifying, analyzing and mitigating risks.

    Advanced Risk Analysis And Management Techniques

  • Environmentally sustainable practices are a fundamental shift in

    project planning and execution.

    Sustainable And Green Engineering

  • To identify the costs associated with an activity, construction

    costs are categorized into

    Direct Costs’ and ‘Indirect Costs’ or ‘Overheads’.

    Production/Construction Cost = Direct Cost + Indirect Cost

  • are costs that can be correlated to a specific

    activity or a work-item which is being done or constructed

    Direct costs

  • all costs connected with materials which become

    permanent part of the project; can be measured and

    costed item-wise

    direct materials cost

  • covers net expenses for procurement, maintenance,

    and wages of foremen and all category of workers

    employed at the work site for the execution of an item

    of project.


  • all other expenses on account of services

    rendered, which can be directly attributed to and

    clearly identified with the execution of an activity

    or work-item.


  • all costs which are attributable to a given project

    but cannot be identified with the performance of

    a specific activity or a work-package; range of

    indirect costs vary from 7.5% to 35% of the total


    indirect costs

  • all indirect manpower, indirect materials and other expenses

    of the functional set-ups concerned with providing technical

    and logistic support to the production centers


  • contain indirect manpower, indirect materials and other

    expenses incurred by the project management for the

    direction, control and administration of the project


  • direct material costs includes the following:

    1.purchase costs, ex-factory or specified delivery


    2.transportation costs incl. customs, insurance and

    handling charges

    3.site manufacturing and fabrication costs

  • direct labor includes:

    1.basic wages, overtime and allowances

    2.procurement expenses incl. recruitment and

    conveyance at site

    3.benefits and statutory regulation compensation

    expenses such as earned leave, gratuity, bonus,

    insurance, medical, etc.

    4.also covers expenditures on accomodation and mess

    ammenities if these are not covered under overheads


    1.special purpose plant and machinery costs

    2.sub-contracted activities

    3.hired resources costs for execution of specified permanent


    4.temporary activity required for a specific work

    special assistant consultant services, if separate activities

    5.investigation/trials necessary to establish procedures for

    undertaking the construction of a given work or activit

  • expenses relating to the operations and services

    rendered by the home-office


  • it includes construction management and related



  • it includes logistics, clerks, security,

    site cleaning, warehousing, maintenance of equipment, (except

    personnel involved in temporary facilities, construction,

    operation, maintenance and dismantling).


  • it includes supply, installation

    (incl. labor) and dismantling of temporary facilities such as, but

    not limited to:


  • it consist of operating costs associated

    with temporary


  • it covers costs associated (except transportation

    costs) with construction equipment, vehicles, cars, spare parts, in the

    entire duration of the project


  • it includes costs of fuel,

    lubricants, small tools, wearing parts and consumables


  • it covers supply, installation and dismantling of camp

    and related facilities (kitchen, temporary roads, utility materials)


  • it includes catering and camp operating costs


  • it caters for personnal

    equipment, temporary facility item, small tools, consumables, camp

    structure and other facilities


  • In some contracts, most of the indirect costs are priced under the

    preliminaries section of the BOQ and the balance is distributed

    proportionally in the remaining items of the BOQ.

    Sharing Indirect Costs

  • is a process where project

    managers predict the amount of money they need

    to fund their projects.

    Cost estimation


    1.Budgeting and Financial Planning

    2.Project Planning and Control

    3.Risk Management


    5.Stakeholder Communication

  • uses historical data to

    calculate the costs associated with different components of a


    The parametric estimating method

  • “preliminary” or “ballpark” estimate, less than ____



  • are common

    methods used in cost estimation, particularly in

    construction and real estate.

    Square foot and cubic foot estimates

  • Involves calculating costs based on

    the area of a space. It is commonly used for estimating costs

    related to flooring, painting, roofing, and other surface-based


    Square Foot Estimates

  • This method involves calculating

    costs based on the volume of a space. It is used for

    estimating costs related to volumetric elements such as

    insulation, concrete, or excavation.

    Cubic Foot Estimates

  • involve determining the total cost of a

    construction assembly or unit, which includes materials, labor, and

    other components needed to complete a specific segment of the


    Assembly Estimates

  • involve estimating the costs associated with

    entire systems within a construction project, such as electrical

    systems or plumbing systems.

    Systems Estimates

  • intermediate level estimates, when drawings are

    ___ complete

    within _____ accuracy

    10-75% complete and 10%

  • the most widely used format

    of contract. For a number of reasons, almost all contracts

    that involve public funds are awarded using competitively

    bid contracts.

    A competitively bid contract

  • is one in which the contractor

    quotes one price, which covers all work and services required by the

    contract plans and specifications.

    A lump-sum or stipulated-sum contract

  • the project is broken down into work

    items that can be characterized by units such as cubic yards,

    linear and square feet, and piece numbers

    unit-price contracts

  • is the second most widely used contract


    The negotiated contract