any true grass cultivated for the edible component of its grains compose of endosperm, bran and germ
Famili of cereals?
proceae/ gramineae
dry one-seeded fruit found in cereal grains
part of caryopsis that contain most of the carbohydrates
food is digested slowly, maintain blood sugar well
low glycemic index
outermost layer of ceral
process which mix flour & water & strength to the dough
protein in gluten that gives strength & elasticity
protein in gluten that is responsible for dough's extensibility
hardest wheat ?
most common limiting amino acid in grains
classification for wheat?
- based on season (spring/winter)
- protein content (hard/soft)
contents in wheat?
starch, lipid, protein and moisture
most largely consumed cereal?
name of rice species?
oryza sativa
What is rice classification?
- mode of cultivation
- grain length
- difference in stickiness
- texture
What is the difference between amylopectin & amylose in rice?
amylopectin = give sticky texture
amylose = give less sticky texture
What are the uses of barley?
- malting & livestock feed
- whole grain barley can regulate blood sugar
- animal fodder
- beer, distilled beverages
- soups, stews and barley bread
cereal that is gluten free?
what are the uses of sorghum?
human and animal food (high in energy)
a cereal that has properties like maize?
the species name for maize?
zea mays
the uses of maize?
flour, pop corn, corn starch, and sweet corn
cereal that is tolerant to drought
cereal that is excellent source of fiber
please describe this : rolled oats
oat groats
steel cut oats
rolled oats = heated & pressed flat, pregelatinized
oat groats = whole oats without husks
steel cut oats = cut lengthwise, chewy texture
a cereal that comes from a hybrid of wheat and rye
packaging considerations is to :
- loss of crispiness
- nutrient loss
- lipid oxidation
- protection against RH and Temp
- prevent spillage
- prevent insect infestation
- prevent external odor
- easy to handle
- economical and easy