2019-04-04T11:32:22+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Cell membrane, Cell wall, Centrioles, Chloroplasts, Chromosomes, Cytoplasm, Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER), Golgi bodies (Golgi apparatus ), Lysosomes, Mitochondria, Nucleolus, Nucleus, Ribosomes, Vacuole flashcards
Cell Structure & Function –Organelles

Cell Structure & Function –Organelles

  • Cell membrane
    controls materialsgoing into and out of the cell (all cells)
  • Cell wall
    provides strength and support to the cell membrane (plant cells, bacteria)
  • Centrioles
    involved in cell division (animal cells)
  • Chloroplasts
    organelle where photosynthesis occurs (plant cells)
  • Chromosomes
    contain DNA (all cells)
  • Cytoplasm
    surround and support the cell’s organelles (all cells)
  • Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
    internal delivery system of the cell (eukaryotic cells)
  • Golgi bodies (Golgi apparatus )
    external delivery system of the cell (eukaryotic cells)
  • Lysosomes
    digest food, wastes, and foreign invaders (animal cells, uncommon in plant cells)
  • Mitochondria
    breaks down food to make energy –ATP (eukaryotic cells)
  • Nucleolus
    stores materials used to make ribosomes (eukaryotic cells)
  • Nucleus
    control center of the cell (eukaryotic cells)
  • Ribosomes
    makes proteins (all cells)
  • Vacuole
    storage container for water and other liquids (eukaryotic cells)