2024-03-06T19:29:19+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p><strong>Individuality and behaviour</strong> are almost always used in the <strong>singular</strong> not the plural</p>, <p>Originality </p>, <p>Community collocations</p>, <p>Express ideas in speaking:</p> flashcards


  • Individuality and behaviour are almost always used in the singular not the plural

    Every one should try to maintain their individuality not individualities

    Parens are responsible for their children's behaviour not behaviours

  • Originality

    Use to refer to a piece of work that is not copied from others

    Ex: I don't like his style, but you have to admire the originality of his work

  • Community collocations

    a vibrant community, a close-knit community, the farming community, the rural community, the ethnic community

  • Express ideas in speaking:

    That's difficult/interesting question because + Clause

    Well, not really, because i feel

    Oh,I think it's essential, I mean

    Well, yes, to a certain extent, but I think

    Well, It really depends on the individual, I think some people, especially