2017-07-29T08:24:53+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true C-type asteroid, 185 Eunike, 194 Prokne, 331 Etheridgea, 35 Leukothea, 360 Carlova, 365 Corduba, 379 Huenna, 386 Siegena, 388 Charybdis, 398 Admete, 147 Protogeneia, 206 Hersilia, 479 Caprera, 491 Carina, 511 Davida, 52 Europa, 54 Alexandra, 551 Ortrud, 572 Rebekka, 601 Nerthus, 614 Pia, 688 Melanie, 705 Erminia, 723 Hammonia, 713 Luscinia, 74 Galatea, 120 Lachesis, 128 Nemesis, 94 Aurora, 10 Hygiea, 102 Miriam, 154 Bertha, 160 Una, 171 Ophelia, 240 Vanadis, 275 Sapientia, 301 Bavaria, 412 Elisabetha, 423 Diotima, 425 Cornelia, 45 Eugenia, 783 Nora, 814 Tauris, 804 Hispania, 90 Antiope, 912 Maritima, 93 Minerva, 444 Gyptis, 747 Winchester, 886 Washingtonia, 971 Alsatia, 464 Megaira, Ceres (dwarf planet), 784 Pickeringia, 795 Fini, 826 Henrika, 845 Naëma, 856 Backlunda, 919 Ilsebill flashcards
C-type asteroids (SMASS)

C-type asteroids (SMASS)

  • C-type asteroid
    C-type asteroids are carbonaceous asteroids.
  • 185 Eunike
    185 Eunike is a dark and very large main-belt asteroid, with an approximate diameter of 157 kilometres.
  • 194 Prokne
    194 Prokne is a main-belt asteroid that was discovered by German-American astronomer C.
  • 331 Etheridgea
    331 Etheridgea is a large main belt asteroid.
  • 35 Leukothea
    35 Leukothea (/ljuːˈkɒθiə/ lew-KOTH-ee-ə, Greek: Λευκοθέα) is a large, dark asteroid from the asteroid belt It was discovered by German astronomer Karl Theodor Robert Luther on April 19, 1855, and named after Leukothea, a sea goddess in Greek mythology.
  • 360 Carlova
    360 Carlova is a very large main-belt asteroid.
  • 365 Corduba
    365 Corduba is a very large main-belt asteroid that was discovered by the French astronomer Auguste Charlois on March 21, 1893 from Nice.
  • 379 Huenna
    379 Huenna is a large asteroid orbiting in the asteroid belt.
  • 386 Siegena
    386 Siegena is a very large main-belt asteroid.
  • 388 Charybdis
    388 Charybdis is a very large main-belt asteroid.
  • 398 Admete
    398 Admete, provisional designation 1894 BN, is a dark, carbonaceous asteroid from the outer region of the asteroid belt, about 47 kilometers in diameter.
  • 147 Protogeneia
    147 Protogeneia is a large main belt asteroid that was discovered by the Hungarian astronomer Lipót Schulhof on July 10, 1875, from the Vienna Observatory; it was his only asteroid discovery.
  • 206 Hersilia
    206 Hersilia is a fairly large Main belt asteroid.
  • 479 Caprera
    479 Caprera is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 491 Carina
    491 Carina is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 511 Davida
    511 Davida is a large C-type asteroid in the asteroid belt.
  • 52 Europa
    52 Europa is the 6th-largest asteroid in the asteroid belt, having an average diameter of around 315 km.
  • 54 Alexandra
    54 Alexandra is a very large and dark main-belt asteroid.
  • 551 Ortrud
    551 Ortrud is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 572 Rebekka
    572 Rebekka is a minor planet orbiting the Sun, which was discovered on September 19, 1905, by a German astronomer Paul Götz in Heidelberg.
  • 601 Nerthus
    601 Nerthus is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 614 Pia
    614 Pia is a minor planet orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter in the asteroid belt.
  • 688 Melanie
    688 Melanie is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 705 Erminia
    705 Erminia is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 723 Hammonia
    723 Hammonia is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 713 Luscinia
    713 Luscinia is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 74 Galatea
    74 Galatea (/ˈɡæləˈtiːə/ GAL-ə-TEE-ə) is a large main-belt asteroid.
  • 120 Lachesis
    120 Lachesis is a large main-belt asteroid.
  • 128 Nemesis
    128 Nemesis is a large 188 km main-belt asteroid, of carbonaceous composition.
  • 94 Aurora
    94 Aurora is one of the largest main-belt asteroids.
  • 10 Hygiea
    10 Hygiea is the fourth-largest asteroid in the Solar System by volume and mass, and it is located in the asteroid belt.
  • 102 Miriam
    102 Miriam is a moderately large, very dark main belt asteroid.
  • 154 Bertha
    154 Bertha is a main-belt asteroid.
  • 160 Una
    160 Una is a fairly large and dark, primitive Main belt asteroid that was discovered by German-American astronomer C.
  • 171 Ophelia
    171 Ophelia is a large, dark Themistian asteroid that was discovered by French astronomer Alphonse Borrelly on January 13, 1877, and named after the fictional character Ophelia in Shakespeare's play Hamlet.
  • 240 Vanadis
    240 Vanadis is a fairly large main-belt asteroid.
  • 275 Sapientia
    275 Sapientia is a very large Main belt asteroid that was discovered by Johann Palisa on April 15, 1888 in Vienna.
  • 301 Bavaria
    301 Bavaria is a large Main belt asteroid.
  • 412 Elisabetha
    412 Elisabetha is a large main belt asteroid that was discovered by German astronomer Max Wolf on January 7, 1896 in Heidelberg.
  • 423 Diotima
    423 Diotima is one of the larger main-belt asteroids.
  • 425 Cornelia
    425 Cornelia is a large Main belt asteroid.
  • 45 Eugenia
    45 Eugenia is a large asteroid of the asteroid belt.
  • 783 Nora
    783 Nora is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 814 Tauris
    814 Tauris is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 804 Hispania
    804 Hispania is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 90 Antiope
    90 Antiope (/ænˈtaɪ.əpiː/ an-TY-ə-pee) is a double asteroid in the outer asteroid belt.
  • 912 Maritima
    912 Maritima is an asteroid in the asteroid belt.
  • 93 Minerva
    93 Minerva (/mᵻˈnɜːrvə/ mi-NUR-və) is a large trinary main-belt asteroid.
  • 444 Gyptis
    444 Gyptis is a main-belt asteroid that was discovered by J.
  • 747 Winchester
    747 Winchester is an asteroid, a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 886 Washingtonia
    886 Washingtonia is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 971 Alsatia
    971 Alsatia, provisional designation 1921 LF, is a large, carbonaceous asteroid from the middle region of the asteroid belt, about 64 kilometers in diameter.
  • 464 Megaira
    464 Megaira is an asteroid.
  • Ceres (dwarf planet)
    Ceres (/ˈsɪəriːz/; minor-planet designation: 1 Ceres) is the largest object in the asteroid belt that lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
  • 784 Pickeringia
    784 Pickeringia is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 795 Fini
    795 Fini is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 826 Henrika
    826 Henrika is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 845 Naëma
    845 Naëma is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 856 Backlunda
    856 Backlunda is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 919 Ilsebill
    919 Ilsebill is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.