2023-09-17T15:31:16+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueaccident, adult, adventure, adventurous, advice, aeroplane, airport, angry, apteka, armchair, as far as you can see, asystent, award, basin, bat, bath, be overweight, beak, beaver, become famous, believe, bite, blinds, blue whale, bookcase, border, bread, brightly, brilliant, brokuły, brush fur, BTW (by the way), build bridges, bułki, butterfly, cage, call a doctor, call an ambulance, camel, camera, camp, Can I ask you something?, careful, Carribean Sea, cashier, catch, celebration, cereal, chatty, cheat, cheat in a test, check, cheerful, chef, chimpanzee, choroba, chować się, claws, cleaner, click, climb a mountain, close, close the curtains, collect, comb, common dolphin, confused, connection, container, cookbook, cooker, course, crab, crazy, cucumber soup, cupboard, curtains, cushion, cute, czerstwy, dangerous, decide, delete, depend on, describe, design, deska do krojenia, desktop computer, dining lady, direction of the wind, directions, disappear, dishwasher, do a brillant project, do a skydive, do experiments, do searches, Do you need any help?, Do you want a hand?, dodawaćflashcards
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