2023-01-27T08:46:30+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>skeleton</p>, <p>skeletal system</p>, <p>periosteum</p>, <p>cartilage</p>, <p>compact bone</p>, <p>spongy bone</p>, <p>bone marrow</p>, <p>joint</p>, <p>ligament</p>, <p>hinge joint</p>, <p>pivot joint</p>, <p>ball-and-socket joint</p>, <p>gliding joint</p>, <p>synovial fluid</p>, <p>arthritis</p>, <p>voluntary muscle</p>, <p>involuntary muscle</p>, <p>skeletal muscle</p>, <p>cardiac muscle</p>, <p>smooth muscle</p>, <p>tendon</p>, <p>epidermis</p>, <p>dermis</p>, <p>melanin</p> flashcards
Body Systems (Lesson 2, 3, 4, 5)

Body Systems (Lesson 2, 3, 4, 5)

  • skeleton

    The inner framework made up of all the bones of the body.

  • skeletal system

    Protects and supports body organs and provides a framework the muscles use to support movement. Made up of bones and joints

  • periosteum

    A thick layer covering the outside of bones. It helps muscles and tendons to attach.

  • cartilage

    softer and more flexible than bone; often found where bones meet to provide cushion and lubrication. It is also in your nose and ears.

  • compact bone

    Hard, dense bone tissue that is beneath the outer part of a bone

  • spongy bone

    bone tissue with many small spaces; found just inside the layer of compact bone.

  • bone marrow

    A soft tissue inside the bone that produces blood cells

  • joint

    A place in the body where two bones come together

  • ligament

    attaches bone to bone

  • hinge joint

    Joint between bones (as at the elbow or knee) that allows motion in only one way

  • pivot joint

    Allows for rotation around the length of a bone, and only allows for rotation. (ex. Neck)

  • ball-and-socket joint

    the freest moving joint (and most easily dislocated type); found in the shoulder and hip

  • gliding joint

    allows one bone to slide over another; found in wrist and ankles

  • synovial fluid

    A small amount of liquid within a joint used as lubrication.

  • arthritis

    painful joints; stiffness of the joints.

  • voluntary muscle

    A muscle that is controlled by the brain and can be contracted or relaxed when thinking about it;

  • involuntary muscle

    muscle that moves automatically and cannot be controlled by the mind

  • skeletal muscle

    a muscle that is connected to the skeleton that moves the limbs and other parts of the body.

  • cardiac muscle

    Involuntary muscle tissue found only in the heart.

  • smooth muscle

    Involuntary muscle found inside many internal organs of the body

  • tendon

    Attaches muscle to bone

  • cardiac muscle

  • skeletal muscle

  • smooth muscle

  • epidermis

    Outer layer of skin

  • dermis

    Inner layer of skin

  • melanin

    A pigment that gives the skin its colour