2023-08-28T09:34:44+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Strategies, Management stratefies to repond to KPI, Staff training, Technology, Improving quality, Cost cutting, lean production, Innovate, Overseas manufacturing, Overview and evaluation of management strategies to respond to kpis, Corporate culture concepts, Personal Mastery, Mental Models, Shared Vision, Team Learning, Systems Thinking, Discilping on three levels, Leading the learning org, The need to create a positive culture for change, Unfreeze the status quo, Move from the current to the new situation, Refreezing, Managers, Employees, Customers, General community, Triple bottom line, CSR considerations when implementing change, Corporate philanthropy, Impact of csr on business, Reviewing performance, <p>leadership</p> flashcards
bm unit 4 aos 2

bm unit 4 aos 2

  • Strategies
    methods and plans that are implemented to develop anf grow a business and meet BO. Have to be implemented and sutained with communication, teamwork, coaching in org.
  • Management stratefies to repond to KPI
    tranining and develop, invest technonology, lean production, redeployment of resources, innovsyion, bglobal sourcing.
  • Staff training
    reward systems of sorts development of skills, ensure best person in position, focusing on taking risk than staff being absent not feeling confident.
  • Technology
    increased comm, finance and wastage streamlined, compete with competitors
  • Improving quality
    eliminaion of defects, productivity, reduce waste, inventory, higher price for better quality. Quality control, assurance tqm.
  • Cost cutting
    monitor cash flow, exploring incentives and discounts, register business another country for less tax, sell assests
  • lean production
    a range of measures that aim to reduce costs, reduce waste and increase efficiency in production, such as minimising inventory and maximising flow
  • Innovate
    mnarketr esearch, market trends, r and d, learn from fail
  • Overseas manufacturing
    global supplier, raw materials, delays, quality.
  • Overview and evaluation of management strategies to respond to kpis
    reploy resources to other areas, like resources, might be stressfull for staff lead to redundancy.
  • Corporate culture concepts
    management style, stories and rituals, development, policies, vision and values
  • Personal Mastery
    Focusing on continuous personal development and growth, fostering a sense of personal excellence.
  • Mental Models
    Recognizing and challenging ingrained assumptions and mental models that might limit an organization's thinking and actions.
  • Shared Vision
    Developing a compelling shared vision that aligns and motivates all members of the organization.
  • Team Learning
    Encouraging open communication, collaboration, and collective learning within teams and across the organization.
  • Systems Thinking
    Understanding the interrelationships and complexities within the organization and its environment, and using this understanding to make informed decisions.
  • Discilping on three levels
    practice orincipes, essences.
  • Leading the learning org
    people cabaple of expanding their capacity, senge assumes shareholders want immediate results whilst owners want perpetuity from investment in tech and capital.
  • The need to create a positive culture for change
    a focus on employees sharing a vision and self reflecting their roles with business. Coporate culturre empovwerrs emplooyes to buold knowledges and skills, with a posiitve and proactive change.
  • Unfreeze the status quo
    only way to change was to break or destabilise the equilibrium (unfreeze) before the old behaviour could be ‘unlearnt’ and the new behaviour successfully adopted. There has to be an equilibrium using FFA for change
  • Move from the current to the new situation
    implementing a change is bery difficult and needs time and communication for success. Use training support or counselling to address issues.
  • Refreezing
    stabilisation of the new behaviours to have a new sense of standard procure for employees who are now confident and comfortable.
  • Managers
    have to cope with responsibilities of change with delegating roles and authority. And make sure these processes and procedure are successful.
  • Employees
    changes can be individual change having direct effect on hours and skills, train them and make them aware on that.
  • Customers
    preferences and wishs to be considered, fully aware of proposed changes to g and s.
  • General community
    CSR effects like local employment, traffic. Wfh.
  • Triple bottom line
    people, planet, profit.
  • CSR considerations when implementing change
    code of ethics/sourcing input, vision, philanthropy, employment practices, vision mission statement.
  • Corporate philanthropy
    is an act by a business to promote the wellbeing of others through charitable donations of money and/or time.
  • Impact of csr on business
    need to implement considerations, effect on employees, greener ways.
  • Reviewing performance
    hr like kpis and training, operations management like evaluation, csr, financial performance like profit, sales or revenue.
  • leadership

    leaders at all levels of a business play a vital part in the change process. In the more ‘traditional’ approaches to change management, the role of the leaderwas often overlooked. Senior management simply announced a change when employees had

    methods and already concluded that something was going on, and there was little consultation, evaluation

    plans that are