2024-04-30T07:39:46+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Select the three main reasons for the use of symbology on prints.</p><p></p><p>I. Able to be used across different languages</p><p>II. Saves space on drawings</p><p>III. Simplifies production</p><p>IV. Simplifies notation</p><p>V. Standardizes notation</p><p></p><p>a.I., III., V.</p><p>b.II., III.,V.</p><p>c.II., IV., V.</p><p>d.III., IV.,V.</p>, <p>A symbol is defined as a graphic representation of a device or object</p><p></p><p>Select one:</p><p>True</p><p>False</p>, <p>In trying to read a new or unknown symbol, the Electrical Worker may look in a book of</p><p>standards or in the drawing ? .</p><p></p><p>a.legend</p><p>b.elevation sheet</p><p>c.specifications</p><p>d.title block</p>, <p>What organization is responsible for the standardization of all symbols in the United</p><p>States?</p><p></p><p>a.ANSI</p><p>b.AIA</p><p>c.ISO</p><p>d.NFPA</p>, <p>If a Computer Aided Design (CAD) system symbol library is not available to the architect,</p><p>symbols may be drawn using a(n) ? .</p><p></p><p>a.compass</p><p>b.straight edge</p><p>c.protractor</p><p>d.template</p>, <p>All symbols do not necessarily conform to a standard. If one encounters a symbol that is</p><p>not on the standard list, one might find it in the legend or in the ? </p><p></p><p>a.elevation sheet</p><p>b.specifications</p><p>c.symbol library</p><p>d.title block</p>, <p>Symbols are pictorial and always look like the object they represent.</p><p></p><p>Select one:</p><p>True</p><p>False</p>, <p>Symbols might contain pictures, letters, or numbers in any combination.</p><p></p><p>Select one:</p><p>True</p><p>False</p>, <p>On the NJATC residential print (Franklin residence), choose three most commonly used</p><p>electrical symbols from the following list.</p><p></p><p>I. Ceiling fan</p><p>II. Lights</p><p>III. Motors</p><p>IV. Receptacles</p><p>V. Switches</p><p></p><p>a.I., II., III.</p><p>b.I., III., IV.</p><p>c.II., III., IV.</p><p>d.II., IV., V.</p>, <p>Electronic symbology is a specialized area of the electrical field. Match the common</p><p>electronic symbols to the proper description.</p><p></p><p>-possible answers-</p>, <p>Match the common electrical blueprint symbols to the proper description.</p><p></p><p>-possible answers-</p><p>Duplex receptacle</p><p>Four-way switch</p><p>Single pole switch</p><p>Duplex receptacle with Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupter Protection</p><p>Single receptacle</p>, <p>Match the common electrical blueprint symbols to the proper description.</p><p></p><p>-possible answers-</p><p>Range outlet</p><p>Fan hanger</p><p>Fluorescent fixture</p><p>Recessed incandescent fixture</p>, <p>Motor control and ladder logic symbology are also specialized symbols. Match the</p><p>specialized symbols listed to the proper description.</p><p></p><p>-possible answers-</p><p>Two-position single-throw switch</p><p>Solenoid</p><p>Normally open contacts</p><p>Time-delay switch</p>, <p>Motor control and ladder logic symbology are also specialized symbols. Match the</p><p>specialized symbols listed to the proper description.</p><p></p><p>-possible answers-</p><p>Motor starter coil</p><p>Coil</p><p>Indicator light</p><p>Control relay</p><p>Overload protection</p>, <p>Representation of devices might be accomplished pictorially and with symbology. ? </p><p>looks like the object, and ? just represents the object.</p><p></p><p>a.Pictorial / symbolic</p><p>b.Symbolic / pictorial</p>, <p>Drag the term to the blank line that best describes that part of the diagram.</p>, <p>How are the rungs of a ladder diagram numbered?</p><p></p><p>a.From left to right, bottom to top</p><p>b.From left to right, top to bottom</p><p>c.From right to left, bottom to top</p><p>d.From right to left, top to bottom</p>, <p>The two basic types of process control systems are open loop and closed loop.</p><p></p><p>Select one:</p><p>True</p><p>False</p>, <p>Match the following basic instrument function symbols to the proper description.</p><p></p><p>-possible answers-</p><p>Discrete instrument field mounted</p><p>PLC</p><p>Computer function</p><p>Discrete instrument</p><p>Instruments with common housing</p>, <p>Telecommunication distribution systems are being used more widely to control a variety</p><p>of ? , inputs, and outputs.</p><p></p><p>a.currents</p><p>b.power</p><p>c.resistances</p><p>d.voltages</p>, <p>Match the following telecommunications device symbols to the proper description.</p><p></p><p>-possible answers-</p><p>Ceiling drop pole</p><p>Wall outlet</p><p>Telephone panel</p><p>Floor outlet</p><p>Aerial cable or wire</p>, <p>Where should one look for information on the symbols for a totally new technology?</p><p></p><p>a.Drawing legends</p><p>b.Electrical manuals</p><p>c.Industry standards</p><p>d.Manufacturer's information</p><p>e.All of the above</p> flashcards
Blueprints Lesson 6

Blueprints Lesson 6

  • Select the three main reasons for the use of symbology on prints.

    I. Able to be used across different languages

    II. Saves space on drawings

    III. Simplifies production

    IV. Simplifies notation

    V. Standardizes notation

    a.I., III., V.

    b.II., III.,V.

    c.II., IV., V.

    d.III., IV.,V.

    The correct answer is: II., IV., V.

  • A symbol is defined as a graphic representation of a device or object

    Select one:



    The correct answer is 'True'.

  • In trying to read a new or unknown symbol, the Electrical Worker may look in a book of

    standards or in the drawing ? .


    b.elevation sheet


    d.title block

    The correct answer is: legend

  • What organization is responsible for the standardization of all symbols in the United






    The correct answer is: ANSI

  • If a Computer Aided Design (CAD) system symbol library is not available to the architect,

    symbols may be drawn using a(n) ? .


    b.straight edge



    The correct answer is: template

  • All symbols do not necessarily conform to a standard. If one encounters a symbol that is

    not on the standard list, one might find it in the legend or in the ?

    a.elevation sheet


    c.symbol library

    d.title block

    The correct answer is: symbol library

  • Symbols are pictorial and always look like the object they represent.

    Select one:



    The correct answer is 'False'.

  • Symbols might contain pictures, letters, or numbers in any combination.

    Select one:



    The correct answer is 'True'.

  • On the NJATC residential print (Franklin residence), choose three most commonly used

    electrical symbols from the following list.

    I. Ceiling fan

    II. Lights

    III. Motors

    IV. Receptacles

    V. Switches

    a.I., II., III.

    b.I., III., IV.

    c.II., III., IV.

    d.II., IV., V.

    The correct answer is: II., IV., V.

  • Electronic symbology is a specialized area of the electrical field. Match the commonelectronic symbols to the proper description.-possible answers-

    Electronic symbology is a specialized area of the electrical field. Match the common

    electronic symbols to the proper description.

    -possible answers-

  • Match the common electrical blueprint symbols to the proper description.-possible answers-Duplex receptacleFour-way switchSingle pole switchDuplex receptacle with Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupter ProtectionSingle receptacle

    Match the common electrical blueprint symbols to the proper description.

    -possible answers-

    Duplex receptacle

    Four-way switch

    Single pole switch

    Duplex receptacle with Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupter Protection

    Single receptacle

  • Match the common electrical blueprint symbols to the proper description.-possible answers-Range outletFan hangerFluorescent fixtureRecessed incandescent fixture

    Match the common electrical blueprint symbols to the proper description.

    -possible answers-

    Range outlet

    Fan hanger

    Fluorescent fixture

    Recessed incandescent fixture

  • Motor control and ladder logic symbology are also specialized symbols. Match thespecialized symbols listed to the proper description.-possible answers-Two-position single-throw switchSolenoidNormally open contactsTime-delay switch

    Motor control and ladder logic symbology are also specialized symbols. Match the

    specialized symbols listed to the proper description.

    -possible answers-

    Two-position single-throw switch


    Normally open contacts

    Time-delay switch

  • Motor control and ladder logic symbology are also specialized symbols. Match thespecialized symbols listed to the proper description.-possible answers-Motor starter coilCoilIndicator lightControl relayOverload protection

    Motor control and ladder logic symbology are also specialized symbols. Match the

    specialized symbols listed to the proper description.

    -possible answers-

    Motor starter coil


    Indicator light

    Control relay

    Overload protection

  • Representation of devices might be accomplished pictorially and with symbology. ?

    looks like the object, and ? just represents the object.

    a.Pictorial / symbolic

    b.Symbolic / pictorial

    The correct answer is: Pictorial / symbolic

  • Drag the term to the blank line that best describes that part of the diagram.

    Drag the term to the blank line that best describes that part of the diagram.

    no answer 💀

  • How are the rungs of a ladder diagram numbered?

    a.From left to right, bottom to top

    b.From left to right, top to bottom

    c.From right to left, bottom to top

    d.From right to left, top to bottom

    The correct answer is: From left to right, top to bottom

  • The two basic types of process control systems are open loop and closed loop.

    Select one:



    The correct answer is 'True'.

  • Match the following basic instrument function symbols to the proper description.-possible answers-Discrete instrument field mountedPLCComputer functionDiscrete instrumentInstruments with common housing

    Match the following basic instrument function symbols to the proper description.

    -possible answers-

    Discrete instrument field mounted


    Computer function

    Discrete instrument

    Instruments with common housing

    The correct answer is:

    Instruments with common housing,

    Discrete instrument field mounted,

    Computer function,


    Discrete instrument

  • Telecommunication distribution systems are being used more widely to control a variety

    of ? , inputs, and outputs.





    The correct answer is: voltages

  • Match the following telecommunications device symbols to the proper description.-possible answers-Ceiling drop poleWall outletTelephone panelFloor outletAerial cable or wire

    Match the following telecommunications device symbols to the proper description.

    -possible answers-

    Ceiling drop pole

    Wall outlet

    Telephone panel

    Floor outlet

    Aerial cable or wire

  • Where should one look for information on the symbols for a totally new technology?

    a.Drawing legends

    b.Electrical manuals

    c.Industry standards

    d.Manufacturer's information

    e.All of the above

    The correct answer is: All of the above