2024-04-11T04:56:42+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Teach how to blow dry short hair. Small. Push it. Roundup brushes.</p>, <p>Teach how to do long hair. With a big brush</p>, <p>Keeping at the Salon Tidy. At all times.</p>, <p>Make sure your client is OK.</p> flashcards

blow drying

Show students. The correct way how to blow dry hair. Music. Different techniques. And. Usage after for brushes and equipment. He did hair dryers clips. Sectioning

  • Teach how to blow dry short hair. Small. Push it. Roundup brushes.


  • Teach how to do long hair. With a big brush


  • Keeping at the Salon Tidy. At all times.


  • Make sure your client is OK.
