moderate to little rainfall, can have hot or cold climates, variety of grasses and shrubs, very few trees
Tropical Rainforests
VERY rainy throughout the year and warm, occurs near the equator, variety of plants and trees, most Diverse groups of organisms on Earth
Deciduous Forests
4 distinct seasons, moderate rainfall and mild temperatures, WE live here, variety of plants, trees and animals
Covers most of the earth, salt water, organisms such as whales and sea turtles, plankton and jelly fish
not salty, surrounded by land, shallow by the edges where plants may grow, can be a variety of depths, organisms such as fish, turtles, snakes, birds
brackish water (freshwater mixed with salt water), place where rivers empty into the ocean, greatly affected by tides, organisms are specially adapted to the changing salt/fresh water and high and low tides
Salt Marsh
salt water, marshy wetlands, affected by tides, organisms are specially adapted to the changing salt/fresh water and high and low tides
moderate to little rainfall, can have hot or cold climates, variety of grasses and shrubs, very few trees
Tropical Rainforests
VERY rainy throughout the year and warm, occurs near the equator, variety of plants and trees, most Diverse groups of organisms on Earth
Deciduous Forests
4 distinct seasons, moderate rainfall and mild temperatures, WE live here, variety of plants, trees and animals
Covers most of the earth, salt water, organisms such as whales and sea turtles, plankton and jelly fish
not salty, surrounded by land, shallow by the edges where plants may grow, can be a variety of depths, organisms such as fish, turtles, snakes, birds
brackish water (freshwater mixed with salt water), place where rivers empty into the ocean, greatly affected by tides, organisms are specially adapted to the changing salt/fresh water and high and low tides
Salt Marsh
salt water, marshy wetlands, affected by tides, organisms are specially adapted to the changing salt/fresh water and high and low tides
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