2023-07-27T20:40:06+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Cell</p>, <p>Examples of cells</p>, <p> <strong>Parts of a cell</strong></p>, <p>Cell wall</p>, <p>Cell membrane</p>, <p>Cytoplasm</p>, <p>Chloroplasts</p>, <p>Nucleus</p>, <p>Vacuole</p>, <p>Mitochondria</p>, <p>Ribosome</p>, <p>Differences between plant cell</p>, <p>Have a cell wall</p>, <p>Have chloroplasts</p>, <p>Have a big vacuole</p>, <p><strong>CELL SPECIALIZATION</strong></p>, <p><strong>RED BLOOD CELL</strong></p>, <p><strong>NERVE CELL</strong></p>, <p><strong>SPERM CELL</strong></p>, <p><strong>ROOT HAIR CELL</strong></p>, <p><strong>XYLEM</strong></p>, <p><strong>PHLOEM CELL</strong></p>, <p><strong>PALISADE CELL</strong></p>, <p><strong>GUARD CELL</strong></p>, <p><strong>WHITE BLOOD CELL</strong></p> flashcards


Living things

  • Cell

    It is a basic unit of life in plants and animals

  • Examples of cells

    Sperm cells, muscle cells, red blood cells

  • Parts of a cell


  • Cell wall

    It protects the cell from damage and keeps it rigid.

  • Cell membrane

    Controls what enters and leaves the cell.

  • Cytoplasm

    It is where all chemical reactions take place.

  • Chloroplasts

    Store chloroplasts needed in the process of photosynthesis.

  • Nucleus

    Controls all activities taking place in a cell.

  • Vacuole

    Stores dissolved substances.

  • Mitochondria

    It generates the energy needed by the cells to carry out their functions.

  • Ribosome

    Makes proteins.

  • Differences between plant cell

    Animal cell

  • Have a cell wall

    Do not have cell wall

  • Have chloroplasts

    Do not have chloroplasts

  • Have a big vacuole

    No vacuole


    Refers to different cells carrying out different functions.


    It transports oxygen around the body.

    It has a red pigment called haemoglobin which traps oxygen.

    The absence of nucleus helps increase the surface area for more haemoglobin to be packed hence more oxygen is absorbed.

    The spongy cytoplasm enables them to squeeze in the capillaries smaller in diameter.

    The biconcave shape allows oxygen to diffuse into and out of the cell rapidly.


    It conducts electrical impulses to and from the brain.

    It has long nerve fibre allows to carry electrical signals as quickly as possible over long distances.

    It has myelin sheath around nerve fibre to prevent loss of impulses.

    It has dendrites which allow impulses to cross from one nerve cell to the other.


    It fertilises the egg to make an offspring.

    It has a tail which enables it to swim faster.


    it absorbs water and mineral salts from the soil.

    It has a finger like extension which increases surface area for absorption of water and mineral salts.

    It has mitochondria which provide more energy for absorption of mineral salts by active transport.


    It transports water and mineral salts from the roots up the plant to the leaves.

    Xylem leaves are cylindrically shaped and joined end to end to form a long tube called xylem vessel.

    The tube formed is hollow(empty) as it loses its cytoplasm, hence allow free movement of water and mineral salts.

    The walls of the xylem cells are strengthened by the deposition of ligin, which prevents the vessel from collapsing due to the pressure of water.


    It transports organic food substances from the leaves to the rest of the plant.

    The phloem cells are cylindrically shaped and are joined end to end to form long tissue called sieve tube(phloem tissue)

    At the cross walls there are perforations/ holes which form a sieve plate to allow easy movement of food.


    It is where photosynthesis highly takes place.

    It has many chloroplasts which have chlorophyll to absorb more light for photosynthesis.


    They control the opening and closing of stoma for gaseous exchange.

    They are bean shaped and positioned in pairs to create an opening(stoma)


    They protect the body against infections or diseases.


    Phagocyte, it has a lobed nucleus which allows it to change shape to surround the bacteria.

    It engulfs, digests and destroys bacteria.

    LYMPHOCYTE, it produces antibodies which attack and destroy bacteria.it has a large centred nucleus.