2024-05-26T10:54:33+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Population </p>, <p>biotic and abiotic </p>, <p>3 BIOTIC factors</p>, <p>3 ABIOTIC factors</p>, <p>Random sampling</p>, <p>transect used for</p>, <p>Transect sampling</p>, <p>carbon cycle</p>, <p>Acronym for classification</p>, <p>name of an animal</p> flashcards
Biology Paper 2 - ecology

Biology Paper 2 - ecology

  • Population

    total number of organisms of the same species living in the geographical area

  • biotic and abiotic

    living and non living

  • 3 BIOTIC factors

    availability of food

    competition between species

    new pathogens

  • 3 ABIOTIC factors

    light intensity


    ph and mineral content of soil

  • Random sampling

    Place quadrant in random locations and count the number of organisms inside of it, then move to a diff random location repeat

  • transect used for

    finding how num of organisms change along a habitat

  • Transect sampling

    place long piece of rope/tape meausre along the habitat. then place quadrat sto count the number of organisms in intervals

  • carbon cycle

    photosynthesis takes in c02. respire releasing some c02, plants can be eaten by animals passing along carbon, those animals can be eaten etc. animals respire reelasing some c02 aswell. all animals die and waste which goes releases c02

  • Acronym for classification

    King Philip Came Over For Good Soup (kingdom phylum class order family genus species)

  • name of an animal

    genus and species