2024-02-26T21:50:12+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Eukaryotic cell definition and 2 examples</p>, <p>Prokaryotic cell definition and 1 example</p>, <p>1 micro meter = ? m (standard form)</p>, <p>1 order of magnitude and 2 orders of magnitude equals ? times bigger</p>, <p>In a cell, where does chemical reaction take place</p>, <p>Cell membrane</p>, <p>Mitochondria</p>, <p>Ribosomes </p>, <p>Chloroplasts </p>, <p>What does 'plant wall' do </p>, <p>Permanent vacuole </p>, <p>Differentiation </p>, <p>3 animal specialised cells</p>, <p>Sperm cell role and 2 adaptions</p>, <p>Nerve cell role and 2 adaptions </p>, <p>Muscle cell role and 2 adaptions </p>, <p>3 plant specialised cells</p>, <p>Root hair cells adaptation</p>, <p>Xylem cells adaptation</p>, <p>Phloem cells adaptation </p>, <p>PRACTICAL microscope </p>, <p>light vs electron microscopes </p>, <p>Magnification formula</p>, <p>How many chromosomes in humans</p>, <p>Chromosomes </p>, <p>Mitosis</p>, <p>Mitosis occurs when : </p>, <p>Stem cells</p>, <p>2 places stem cells can be found</p>, <p>Diffusion</p>, <p>2 factors affecting diffusion</p>, <p>Osmosis</p>, <p>Active transport </p> flashcards

Biology Paper 1 - Cell Biology


  • Eukaryotic cell definition and 2 examples

    Cells that contain their genetic information enclosed in a nucleus. Animal or plant cells

  • Prokaryotic cell definition and 1 example

    Cells that dont contain their genetic information enclosed in a nucleus. Bacterial cells

  • 1 micro meter = ? m (standard form)

    1 x 10^-6 m

  • 1 order of magnitude and 2 orders of magnitude equals ? times bigger

    10x bigger than the one before it. 100x

  • In a cell, where does chemical reaction take place


  • Cell membrane

    Control molecules that can leave or enter the cell

  • Mitochondria

    Where aerobic respiration takes place

  • Ribosomes

    Sites of protein synthesis

  • Chloroplasts

    Contain chlorophyll and are the sites of photosynthesis

  • What does 'plant wall' do

    Strengthens the cell

  • Permanent vacuole

    Filled with cell sap that helps give the cell its shape

  • Differentiation

    When cells become specialised

  • 3 animal specialised cells

    Sperm, nerve, muscle cells

  • Sperm cell role and 2 adaptions

    Role is to join with an egg cell, fertilising it. Long tail to swim to the ovum and streamlined to make it easier

  • Nerve cell role and 2 adaptions

    Role is to send electrical impulses around the body. Long axon to carry impulses , dendrites increase surface area

  • Muscle cell role and 2 adaptions

    They contract. Also packed full of mitochondria to provide energy to contract.

  • 3 plant specialised cells

    Root hair, Xylem, Phloem cells

  • Root hair cells adaptation

    Role to absorb water. Covered in hair - increasing surface area to absorb water

  • Xylem cells adaptation

    Long tubes to carry water and dissolve minerals. Thick walls to provide support the plant.

  • Phloem cells adaptation

    Carry dissolved sugars up and down the plant, mitochondria to provide energy.

  • PRACTICAL microscope

    Place the slide onto the stage. Use the clips to hold the slide on place. Select lowest power objective lens, position the lens almost touching the slide by turning the coarse fining dial. Look down through the eyepiece and slowly turn coarse focusing dial to get it to focus. Then use fine focusing dial to bring the cells into a clear focus. Calculate the magnification by eye piece lens (10x) multiplied by objective lens (e.g 4x). REPEAT with higher power objective lens.

  • light vs electron microscopes

    Light microscope have limited magnification and resolution. Electron microscope much greater magnification and resolution

  • Magnification formula

    Size of image / Size of real object

  • How many chromosomes in humans


  • Chromosomes

    Carry a large number of our genes

  • Mitosis

    Doubles the internal structures and chromosomes in a cell. They are pulled to opposite sides of the cell and the cell membrane divides to form two identical cells

  • Mitosis occurs when :

    Organism repairs itself

    Asexual reproduction

  • Stem cells

    Undifferentiated cells which can differentiate to other types of cells.

  • 2 places stem cells can be found

    Bone marrow and embryo

  • Diffusion

    Spreading out in particles resulting in the net movement from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration

  • 2 factors affecting diffusion

    Higher temp = greater rate of diffusion

    Higher concentration gradient = greater rate of diffusion

  • Osmosis

    Diffusion of water from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution through a partially permeable membrane (diffusion for water)

  • Active transport

    Moves substances from a more dilute solution to a more concentrated solution (opposite of diffusion)