Cell theory
All living things are made from cells, new cells are formed by division of pre-existing cells, cells contain genetic material which is passed on from parent to daughter cells and all metabolic reactions take place inside cells
Endosymbiotic theory
Chloroplasts and mitochrondria are similar to cyanobacteria, theory states that 1.5 billion years ago, ancient bacteria engulfed other bacteria and had a symbiotic relationship, 1920's it was suggested that mitochrondria were once cyanobacteria and that some cyanobacteria could turn glucose and oxygen into ATP and that other cyanobacteria could turn carbon dioxide and water into glucose
Evidence for Endosymbiotic theory
Organelles have 70s ribosomes, circular DNA and reproduce by binary fission like bacteria and Organelles have double membranes as though a single-membraned cell had been engulfed and surrounded by a larger cell