2023-03-04T19:13:05+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>What is a balanced diet</p>, <p>What are carbohydrates and what are they used for</p>, <p>What are fats and oils for and give examples for them</p>, <p>Proteins and what theyre needed for.</p>, <p> Vitamins</p>, <p>Why is vitamin c needed and what happens in case of deficiency.</p>, <p>Vitamin D and its importance +deficiency</p>, <p>Minerals</p>, <p>Calcium (need and in case of deficiency)</p>, <p>Iron (need+deficiency)</p>, <p>fibres (roughage)</p>, <p>what is the ALIMENTARY CANAL.</p>, <p>Water</p>, <p>What is the digestive system</p>, <p>ingestion</p>, <p>digestion</p>, <p>absorption</p>, <p>Assimilation</p>, <p>egestion</p>, <p>The mouth</p>, <p>The oesophagus</p> flashcards
bio ch7

bio ch7

  • What is a balanced diet

    A balanced diet is one that contains all required nutrients in correct proportions and right amounts of energy

  • What are carbohydrates and what are they used for

    Carbohydrates include sugars, starch,sweet foods. It is used for energy

  • What are fats and oils for and give examples for them

    Fats and oils are used for energy and to make cell membranes. It also acts as an insulator, reducing heat loss from the body. Provides mechanical protection for organs. Eggs, oils, dairy products, oily fish.

  • Proteins and what theyre needed for.

    Needed for buliding new cells. for growth. To make proteins. Meat fish eggs dairy products, nuts seeds, beans

  • Vitamins

    ARe organic substances needed in small amounts

  • Why is vitamin c needed and what happens in case of deficiency.

    To make strechy protein collagen, found in skin and other tissues. Keeps tissues in good repair.. SCURVY happens when youre not taking enough vitamin c. It causes pain in joints in muscles and bleeding from gums

  • Vitamin D and its importance +deficiency

    For making bones and teeth and helps calcuim to be absorbed. RICKETS happen in case of deficiency. Bones become soft and deformed

  • Minerals

    Minerals are inorganic substances needed in small amounts

  • Calcium (need and in case of deficiency)

    For making bones and teeth. For blood clotting. You would have brittle bones and teeth also poor blood clotting.

  • Iron (need+deficiency)

    For making haemoglobin(red pigment in blood which carries oxygen

  • fibres (roughage)

    Fibres keep the alimentary canal in good proper working. muscles work best when there is harder less digestable food in it like fibres. So it keeps the digestive system in good working order and prevents from constipation. Foods that contain it are like flour wheat, rice, grains, oats, watermelons.

  • what is the ALIMENTARY CANAL.

    Is a long tube which runs from mouth to the anus. It is a part of the digestive system. Its walls contains muscles which contract and reelax to move food . This is called peristalsis. Goblet cells which are on the line of the alimentary canal. Make mucus which helps to lubricate the food to make it slide easily.

  • Water

    Important solvent. helps with metabolic reactions.(why) Needed for dissolving enzymes in alimentary canal. And for getting rid of waste products.

  • What is the digestive system

    The group of organs that carry out the digestion of food

  • ingestion

    The taking in of substances into the body

  • digestion

    The breakdown of food. two types: physical: large pieces are broken down into small pieces using teeth)

    Chemical: Large molecule must be broken down into small soluble molecules.

  • absorption

    The movement of the nutrients and mineral ions through the walls of the intestines into the blood

  • Assimilation

    Uptake and use of nutrients by cells. used for energy or to make new substances.

  • egestion

    Removal of undigested food from the body as faeces through the anus.

  • The mouth

    Start of digesting system... Teeth bite food to smaller pieces to increase surface area (physical digestion). The tongue mixes food with saliva made by salivary glands to form it into a lil ball. Which contains water, enzyme amylase, mucus. Amylase digests starch. Mucus helps chewed food to bind together to form a small ball and lubricates it to slide down through oesophagus. and water helps to dissolve substances in food(and to taste).

  • The oesophagus

    There are two tubes in the back of the mouth. Front one is trachea which takes air to longs. And the one behind it is the oesophagus which takes food down to the stomach . The entrance to the stomach is closed by a sphincter muscle which RELAXES to let food ENTER and CONTRACTS to CLOSE again.