Change in populations over time due to genetic variation and natural selection.
Natural Selection (VISTA)
Variation, Inheritance, Selection, Time, and Adaptation drive evolutionary changes.
Adaptive Radiation
Diversification from a common ancestor to exploit various ecological niches.
Cambrian Explosion
A period of rapid diversification of multicellular life approximately 540 million years ago.
Radial Symmetry
Body parts arranged around a central axis, common in cnidarians.
Bilateral Symmetry
Body plan with two symmetrical halves, characteristic of Bilateria.
Three germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.
Animals where the mouth develops from the blastopore.
Animals where the anus develops from the blastopore.
Small pores on a sponge's body through which water enters.
Collar cells in sponges responsible for water flow and capturing food.
Structural elements made of calcium carbonate or silica in sponges.
Ascon, Sycon, Leucon
Three basic body plans of sponges.
Specialized stinging cells unique to cnidarians.
Organelles within cnidocytes that deliver a sting to capture prey.
Free-swimming, umbrella-shaped body form of cnidarians.
Sessile, cylindrical body form of cnidarians.
Segmentation of the body into repeated units.
Thickened, glandular section of annelids used for reproduction.
Paired lateral appendages in polychaetes for locomotion and gas exchange.
Bristle-like structures on annelids used for anchorage and movement.
Water Vascular System
Network of hydraulic canals used in locomotion, feeding, and respiration.
Mutable Collagen
Tissue in echinoderms that can rapidly change stiffness.
Pincer-like appendages in echinoderms for cleaning and defense.
Aristotle’s Lantern
Chewing apparatus in sea urchins used for scraping food.
A flexible rod that provides support in chordates.
Dorsal Hollow Nerve Cord
Tube-like structure above the notochord; develops into the central nervous system.
Pharyngeal Slits
Openings in the pharynx used for filter-feeding or respiration.
Structure involved in iodine metabolism; precursor to the thyroid gland.
Placoid Scales
Tooth-like scales in cartilaginous fishes.
Lateral Line System
Sensory system in fishes that detects water vibrations.
Ampullae of Lorenzini
Electroreceptive organs in cartilaginous fishes for detecting electrical fields.
Heterocercal Tail
A tail with unequal lobes; provides lift in sharks.
Pulmo-cutaneous Respiration
Gas exchange through lungs and moist skin in amphibians.
Reproductive clasping behavior in frogs.
Retention of juvenile traits into adulthood, seen in some salamanders.
Double Circulation
A circulatory system with separate pulmonary and systemic circuits.
Modified scales used for flight, insulation, and display.
Contour Feathers
Streamline the body for flight.
Chicks born well-developed and able to feed themselves.
Chicks born underdeveloped and requiring parental care.
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