2025-03-04T07:43:05+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true ALARA meaning and principle, Three key radiation protection factors, Formula for inverse square law, Formula for half value layer (HVL), Five "DOs" in radiation protection, Three "DON'Ts" in radiation protection, Five required postings in a radiation work area, Three required label details on licensed material containers, Annual dose limit for a declared pregnant worker's fetus, NRC Form 3 purpose, CFR chapter for licensing byproduct materials, Steps for a minor radioactive spill, Steps for a major radioactive spill, Three required items in a written directive, Definition of a medical event, Survey meter calibration frequency, Record retention period for individual monitoring results, Three types of Radiation Material Licenses (RML), Purpose of the Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) flashcards

Basic things to know RADSAF

these should be fermented into your prefrontal cortex by now.

  • ALARA meaning and principle

    As Low As Reasonably Achievable; Use procedures and controls to minimize occupational and public radiation exposure.

  • Three key radiation protection factors
    Time, Distance, Shielding
  • Formula for inverse square law
    I1D1² = I2D2²
  • Formula for half value layer (HVL)
    HVL = 0.693 / μ (μ = linear attenuation coefficient)
  • Five "DOs" in radiation protection
    Post radiation signs, wear lab coats and gloves, handle radioactivity behind shields, cover work areas, store radioactive materials in lead containers.
  • Three "DON'Ts" in radiation protection
    Eating, drinking, or smoking in the lab; Pipetting radioactive material by mouth; Improper radioactive waste disposal.
  • Five required postings in a radiation work area
    10 CFR Parts 19 & 20, license and related documents, operating procedures, notices of violation/penalties, NRC Form 3.
  • Three required label details on licensed material containers
    Radionuclide, quantity of radioactivity, date.
  • Annual dose limit for a declared pregnant worker's fetus
    0.5 rem (500 mrem)
  • NRC Form 3 purpose
    Notice to Employees
  • CFR chapter for licensing byproduct materials
    Chapter 30
  • Steps for a minor radioactive spill
    Attend to contaminated persons, alert others, wear protective equipment, clean from outside-in, decontaminate, monitor with survey meter and wipe test, document everything.
  • Steps for a major radioactive spill
    Attend to injured persons, evacuate, monitor individuals, call the RSO, document names of exposed individuals.
  • Three required items in a written directive
    Patient name, identity and dosage of drug, route of administration.
  • Definition of a medical event
    Wrong drug, route, or activity dose resulting in patient exceeding 5 rem WB, 50 rem to an organ, or 50 rem to skin.
  • Survey meter calibration frequency
    Annually, prior to first use, after repair.
  • Record retention period for individual monitoring results
    Until license termination.
  • Three types of Radiation Material Licenses (RML)
    General Domestic License (in-vitro testing), Specific Domestic License (Limited Scope), Specific Domestic License (Broad Scope Type A, B, or C).
  • Purpose of the Radiation Safety Committee (RSC)
    Review materials related to the radiation safety program presented by the RSO.