2017-07-30T05:11:35+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Florentine Codex, Astrological sign, Zodiac, Planets in astrology, International Astrology Day, Star of Bethlehem, Harmonic Convergence, Jewish views on astrology, Astrology and science, Astrological symbols, Maya astronomy flashcards


  • Florentine Codex
    The Florentine Codex is a 16th-century ethnographic research project in Mesoamerica by Franciscan friar Bernardino de Sahagún.
  • Astrological sign
    In Western astrology, astrological signs are the twelve 30° sectors of the ecliptic, starting at the vernal equinox (one of the intersections of the ecliptic with the celestial equator), also known as the First Point of Aries.
  • Zodiac
    The zodiac is the circle of twelve 30° divisions of celestial longitude employed by western astrology and (formerly) astronomy.
  • Planets in astrology
    Planets in astrology have a meaning different from the modern astronomical understanding of what a planet is.
  • International Astrology Day
    International Astrology Day (most often observed on either March 20 or March 21) is an annual observance/holiday celebrated by astrologers and astrology enthusiasts.
  • Star of Bethlehem
    The Star of Bethlehem, also called the Christmas Star, revealed the birth of Jesus to the Biblical Magi, and later led them to Bethlehem, according to Christian tradition.
  • Harmonic Convergence
    The Harmonic Convergence is the name given to one of the world's first globally synchronized meditation events, which occurred on August 16–17, 1987, which also closely coincided with an exceptional alignment of planets in the Solar System (see below).
  • Jewish views on astrology
    In Hebrew, astrology was called hokmat ha-nissayon, "the wisdom of prognostication", in distinction to hokmat ha-hizzayon (wisdom of star-seeing, or astronomy).
  • Astrology and science
    Astrology consists of a number of belief systems that hold that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events or descriptions of personality in the human world.
  • Astrological symbols
    Symbols used in astrology overlap with those used in astronomy because of the historical overlap between the two subjects.
  • Maya astronomy
    Maya astronomy is the study of the moon, planets, milky way, sun, and other astronomical occurrences by the Precolumbian Maya Civilization of Mesoamerica.