2022-05-09T21:01:18+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>definition of organic chemistry</p>, <p>how is carbon such an important element in organic chemistry</p>, <p>how many bonds can carbon form</p>, <p>definition of a functional group</p>, <p>what are organic molecules classified by</p>, <p>definition of a homologous series</p>, <p>definition of hydrocarbons</p>, <p>definition of alkanes</p>, <p>describe the structure of alkanes</p>, <p>alkene functional group</p>, <p>halogenoalkane functional group</p>, <p>primary alcohol functional group</p>, <p>secondary alcohol functional group</p>, <p>tertiary alcohol functional group</p>, <p>aldehydes functional group</p>, <p>ketone functional group</p>, <p>carboxylic acid functional group</p>, <p>ester functional group</p>, <p>primary amine functional group </p>, <p>nitrile functional group</p> flashcards

AS Organic Chemistry

CIE Syllabus

  • definition of organic chemistry

    the chemistry of carbon compounds

  • how is carbon such an important element in organic chemistry

    it can form strong covalent bonds with itself

  • how many bonds can carbon form

    four covalent bonds (single, double, triple)

  • definition of a functional group

    a specific atom or group of atoms which confer certain physical and chemical properties on the molecule

  • what are organic molecules classified by

    functional groups

  • definition of a homologous series

    organic compounds with the same functional group, but with each successive member different by CH2

  • definition of hydrocarbons

    compounds that are made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms only

  • definition of alkanes

    the simplest hydrocarbons with no functional group

  • describe the structure of alkanes

    made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms bonded to each other with single covalent bonds

  • alkene functional group

    double bond

  • halogenoalkane functional group

    an alkane bonded to a halogen

  • primary alcohol functional group

    OH group bonded to a carbon with one other atom or group of atoms (not hydrogens)

  • secondary alcohol functional group

    OH group bonded to a carbon with two other atoms or groups of atoms (not hydrogens)

  • tertiary alcohol functional group

    OH group bonded to a carbon with three other atoms or groups of atoms (not hydrogens)

  • aldehydes functional group

    O double bonded to a carbon atom with two other atoms or groups of atoms , one being a hydrogen

  • ketone functional group

    O double bonded to a carbon atom with two other atoms or groups of atoms (no hydrogens)

  • carboxylic acid functional group

    O double bonded to a carbon with an OH group and another atom or group of atoms (not hydrogen)

  • ester functional group

    O double bonded to a carbon with an atom/group of atoms and another O , another atom/group of atoms attached to the other O

  • primary amine functional group

    NH2 bonded to a carbon also attached to a group of atoms/atom (not hydrogen)

  • nitrile functional group

    N triple bonded to a carbon attached to an atom/group of atoms