2021-12-27T15:38:10+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>definition of isotope</p>, <p>symbol for an isotope</p>, <p>properties of isotopes</p>, <p>explanation for same chemical characteristics of isotopes</p>, <p>what determines the chemistry of an atom</p>, <p>explanation for different physical properties isotopes</p> flashcards

AS Level Isotopes : BASICS

CIE Syllabus 1.1.5

  • definition of isotope

    atoms of the same element that contain same number of protons and different number of electrons

  • symbol for an isotope

    chemical symbol followed by a dash and the mass number

  • properties of isotopes

    similar chemical but different physical

  • explanation for same chemical characteristics of isotopes

    same number of electrons in their outer shells

  • what determines the chemistry of an atom

    number of electrons

  • explanation for different physical properties isotopes

    different neutrons give different masses and densities