2022-01-01T13:45:56+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>definition of a photomicrograph</p>, <p>definition of an electron micrograph</p>, <p>step 1 of calculating the actual size of a specimen</p>, <p>step 2 of calculating the actual size of a specimen</p>, <p>step 3 of calculating the actual size of a specimen</p> flashcards

AS Level Calculating Actual Size

CIE Syllabus 1.1.5

  • definition of a photomicrograph

    image obtained from a light microscope

  • definition of an electron micrograph

    images obtained from electron microscopes both scanning and transmission

  • step 1 of calculating the actual size of a specimen

    calculate the total magnification of the specimen

  • step 2 of calculating the actual size of a specimen

    calculate the image size in the units asked for

  • step 3 of calculating the actual size of a specimen

    calculate the actual size of the specimen