2024-05-19T18:21:42+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Love Philosophy context:</p>, <p>Love Philosophy semantic field of embrace:</p>, <p>Love Philosophy structure:</p>, <p>Love Philosophy structure 2:</p>, <p>Love Philosophy metaphor</p>, <p>Porphyria's Lover context:</p>, <p>Porphyria's Lover semantic field of destruction:</p>, <p>Porphyria's Lover structure:</p>, <p>Porphyria's Lover metaphor:</p>, <p>When We Two Parted context:</p>, <p>When We Two Parted semantic field of death:</p>, <p>When We Two Parted structure:</p>, <p>When We Two Parted metaphor:</p>, <p>Walking Away context:</p>, <p>Walking Away semantic field of space:</p>, <p>Walking Away structure:</p>, <p>Walking Away metaphor:</p> flashcards

anthology pt 2


  • Love Philosophy context:

    member of romantic movement

    romantics believed in the power of nature

  • Love Philosophy semantic field of embrace:




  • Love Philosophy structure:

    strong ABAB rhyme scheme,

    although there is a place in each stanza where the rhyme isn’t exact, reflecting how all things in nature come together except for the poet and his loved one.

  • Love Philosophy structure 2:

    structures each stanza like a philosophical argument

    starts with evidence then ends with rhetoricals "why not I with thine?"

    does this to be persuasive

  • Love Philosophy metaphor

    natural personification shown in

    "No sister flower would be forgiven if it disdain'd its brother"

    Metaphor adds depth to the speaker character by suggesting his intentions are romantic not sexual

    Shelley blurs boundaries between humanity and nature suggesting their relationship is inevitable as a law of nature

  • Porphyria's Lover context:

    fallen women

    Victorian era

    porphyria lover social commentary commenting on outdated views

  • Porphyria's Lover semantic field of destruction:

    'sullen', 'vex', 'break', 'tore'

  • Porphyria's Lover structure:

    strict ABABB scheme.

    Represent the intentionality behind the speaker's portrayed madness

    Poem takes form of dramatic monologue

    This is for Browning's social commentary commenting on outdated victorian views on women

  • Porphyria's Lover metaphor:

    "glided in porphyria"

    supernatural connotations of "gilded", porphyria viewed as inhuman

    this and "gay feast restrain" which alludes to consumption and women being objects for men to use.

    alternatively , inhuman Mirrors the inhuman 'fallen women'

  • When We Two Parted context:



    bare affairs

  • When We Two Parted semantic field of death:

    "a knell"

    "pale grew thy cheek"


    tactile imagery acts a metaphor to a dead body

    knell - auditory image

  • When We Two Parted structure:

    Cyclical narrative

    implying speaker sadness is still ongoing

    regular rhyme scheme ABABCDCD further reinforces this ongoing sadness

    repetitive rhythm demonstrates regularity endless sadness

  • When We Two Parted metaphor:


    "secret," "silence," "spirit," and "deceive."

    the s sound is associated with whispering showing the speaker is talking about affair - link to Byron celebrity affairs

    alternatively the s sound is associated with snake hissing link to deception, satan snake garden of eden

  • Walking Away context:

    had a son who went boarding skl

  • Walking Away semantic field of space:

    "wrenched from its orbit. go drifting away"


    contrast between wrench and drift, powerlessness

  • Walking Away structure:

    uses bare dashes

    effect of mirroring the shift in time and the seasonal change

    "eighteen years ago" specific temporal dexis emphasise the effect of moving away has on poet

  • Walking Away metaphor:

    "winged seed loosened from its parent stem"

    "gnaws at my mind still"