2025-02-23T05:49:01+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Estrus</p>, <p>Estrous cycle</p>, <p>Monoestrous</p>, <p>Polyestrous</p>, <p>Anestrus</p>, <p>Proestrus</p>, <p>Estrus</p>, <p>Metestrus</p>, <p>Metestrus</p>, <p>Diestrus </p>, <p>Diestrus</p>, <p>because they recycle the unfertilized uterus</p>, <p>Follicular phase</p>, <p>Estradiol</p>, <p>Luteal phase </p>, <p>Progesterone</p>, <p>2-3 days after the start of the estrous cycle</p> flashcards
ansci the reproductive process

ansci the reproductive process

  • Estrus

    is the period of sexual receptivity in the female

  • Estrous cycle

    is the interval from the beginning of one estrus to the beginning of the next

  • Monoestrous

    have only one estrous cycle per year

  • Polyestrous

    have several estrous cycles per year

  • Anestrus

    the relatively long period of inactivity in seasonally polyestrous anmals and is not properly a part of the sexual cycle

  • Proestrus

    stage of the estrous cycle where follicles start secreting estrogen to prepare the reproductive system

  • Estrus

    stage of the estrous cycle where the follicles will mature and the female accepts the male, horniest period in swines

  • Metestrus

    stage in the estrous cycle where the corpus lutuem becomes functioning and secreting progesterone

  • Metestrus

    last period of estrous cylce if pregnancy occurs, where further growth of uterus and progestational changes

  • Diestrus

    longest phase of the estrous cycle

  • Diestrus

    occurs only if the swine does not become pregnant, CL fully develops would be regreesing including the uterus

  • because they recycle the unfertilized uterus

    why do other animals do not bleed like humans

  • Follicular phase

    short phase-only 20% of cycle, period from regression of corpus luteum to ovulation

  • Estradiol

    dominant hormone in follicular phase

  • Luteal phase

    long phase- 80% of cycle, period from ovulation to corpus luteum regression

  • Progesterone

    dominant hormone in luteal phase

  • 2-3 days after the start of the estrous cycle

    the best time for copulation of the swine