2025-02-12T18:16:08+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>bipolar neurons</p>, <p>Mutipolar neurons</p>, <p>Unipolar neurons</p>, <p>Unipolar neurons</p>, <p>Fore brain</p>, <p>Fore brain</p>, <p>Hind brain</p>, <p>Spinal cord</p>, <p>Sensory signals</p>, <p>Motor signals</p>, <p>somatic</p>, <p>visceral</p>, <p>spinal nerves </p>, <p>mixed</p>, <p>plexuses</p>, <p>Spinal nerves</p>, <p>Autonomic nervous system </p>, <p>Autonomic nervous system</p>, <p>Sympathetic</p>, <p>Parasympathetic</p>, <p>Adrenaline</p>, <p>noradrenaline</p>, <p>dopamine</p>, <p>Serotonin</p>, <p>Gaba</p>, <p>Acetylcholine</p>, <p>Glutamate</p>, <p>Endorphins</p> flashcards
ansci nervous continuation

ansci nervous continuation

  • bipolar neurons

    are found in some special sensory organs such as olfactory, muscosa, eye, ear

  • Mutipolar neurons

    most abundant in body

  • Unipolar neurons

    found mainly in the PNS

  • Unipolar neurons

    common only in dorsal root ganglua of the spinal cord and sensory ganglia of cranial nerves

  • Fore brain

    cerebral hemisphere diencephalon

  • Fore brain

    thalamus and hypothalamus and pituitary gland

  • Hind brain

    medulla oblongata and pons

  • Spinal cord

    caudal continuation of the medulla oblongata

  • Sensory signals

    are carried from sensory receptors through the PNS into the CNS

  • Motor signals

    are carried away fro, the CNS and through the PNS to the effectors, which are muscles and glands

  • somatic

    outer body

  • visceral

    mainly inside the body

  • spinal nerves

    nerves of PNS

  • mixed

    nerves that contain sensory and motor axons are called

  • plexuses

    . The appendages are supplied by braid like arrangements of nerves called

  • Spinal nerves

    supply sensory abd motor fibers

  • Autonomic nervous system

    a system of motor neurons that innervate the smooth muscle, cardiac, and glands of the body

  • Autonomic nervous system

    the general visceral motor division of the peripheral nervous system are in what system

  • Sympathetic

    prepares the body for fight or flight

  • Parasympathetic

    are active during rest and digest

  • Adrenaline

    fight or flight neurotransmitter

  • noradrenaline

    concentration neurotransmitter

  • dopamine

    pleasure neurotransmitter

  • Serotonin

    mood neurotransmitter

  • Gaba

    calming neurotransmitter

  • Acetylcholine

    learning neurotransmitter

  • Glutamate

    memory neurotransmitter

  • Endorphins

    euphoria neurotransmitter