glands that produce hormones that are involved in reproduction and other functions of the body
production of gametes
the process of sperm production that takes place in the testes
the process of ovum production that takes place in the ovary
plays an important role in the sexual and reproductive development in female animals
produced in the testicular leydig in the males
produced in the corpus luteum
maintains pregnancy in females
responsible for regulating sex differentiation, producing male sex characteristic, spermatogenesis and fertility
Manufacture the male gamete (spermatozoa) and deliver it to the female reproductive tract, and to Produce the male sex hormone
general function of the male reproductive system
Seminiferous tubules
where does sperm production situated in the testis
Interstitial cells, androgen and testosterone
secretion of male sex hormones
within the body cavity
where are the testis found in the Avian species
outside body cavity
where are the testis found in the Mammal species
Sustentacular cells
envelop and nourish the developing spermatozoa
ram, human, bull
animals with vertical testis
a sugar that is a potential source of energy for the spermatozoa.
Sperm cells
function as a transport medium for the spermatozoa
electrolytes, fructose, citric acid, and sorbitol
what does the semen contain
A long, convoluted tube connecting the vasa efferentia of the testis with the ductus deferens
it transport, concetration, maturation, and storage of sperm before ejaculation
Caput, Corpus, Cauda
parts of epididymis
part of the epididymis which is the entry point of produced sperm from the testes
part of the epididymis which is involves the maturation of the sperm
part of the epididymis which is involved in sperm storage
Vas deferens or Ductus deferens
During ejaculation, it propels the spermatozoa from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct in the urethra 18 D
Ductus deferens
a muscular tube which merges with the epididymis
external covering of the testes, thermoregulatory function
2-5 degrees cooler than the body temp.
how many degrees should the inside of the scrotum be
Dartos muscle, external cremaster muscle
muscle in the scrotum
Dartis muscle
increases or decreases surface area by contracting or relaxing the scrotum
External cremaster muscle
Drawing testis nearer to the abdomen for warmth or lowering for heat loss
an erectile tissue whose main function is to drain the urinary bladder of urine
called the organ of copulation for its copulatory function
an organ of erection and ejaculation and serves to introduce the spermatozoa into the vagina
Glans penis
A rudimentary organ located at the tip of penis that aids for sexual drive.
Sigmoid flexure
S--curve/shape’ that holds penis within the body when not erected or helps extend the penis when erected
contains decomposing urine and source of boar odor
Retractor penis muscle
Paired muscle which retracts the penis into the sheath after extension (helps with the erection
Fibroelastic penis
extends in length by a muscle to penetrate the female
Sigmoid flexure and retractor penis muscle
what does a fibroelastic penis use to straighten
Musculovascular penis
this penis type extends by filling the glans penis with blood
boar, bull, ram
animals with fibroelastic penis
stallion, rabbit, dog, human
animals with musculovascular penis
An enlarged portion of the ductus deferens just before its entrance into the urethra. • Contribute to the volume of semen
Vesicular glands
they produce a secretion high in fructose, which act as vehicle for sperm transport.
Prostate glands
It produces a viscous secretion, which stimulates sperm activity and gives the semen its characteristic odor.
Cowper's gland
Produces thick clear mucus prior to ejaculation that drains into the spongy urethra. • This gland responsible for the boar taint
Cowper's gland
it secretes an alkaline material which serves to clean the urethra prior to ejaculation; produce a lubricating substance
I t s e r v e s a s a c o m m o n passage of semen and urine