2025-02-10T07:51:16+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Disease</p>, <p>pulse, temperature, respiration rate</p>, <p>Temperature</p>, <p>Basal metabolism, musculat activity of the body, heat lsot from the body</p>, <p>convection, conduction, radiation, evaporation</p>, <p>Thermoregulation</p>, <p>Endotherms</p>, <p>Ectotherms</p>, <p>Pulse</p>, <p>Frequency</p>, <p>Rhythm </p>, <p>quality </p>, <p>quality</p>, <p>Respiration</p>, <p>Inspiration</p>, <p>Expiration </p>, <p>Body size, age, exercise and excitement, environmental temperature, atmospheric conditions, pregnancy, fullness of the digestive tract </p>, <p>Afebrile</p>, <p>Febrile</p>, <p>Hyperthermia</p>, <p>Hypothermia </p>, <p>Apnea</p>, <p>Dyspnea </p>, <p>Bradypnea </p>, <p>Eupnea </p>, <p>Tachypnea </p>, <p>Bradycardia</p>, <p>Tachycardia </p>, <p>38.3-39.9</p>, <p>38.5-39.7</p>, <p>38.7-39.8</p>, <p>40.6-43</p>, <p>36.7-39.1</p>, <p>38-39.3</p>, <p>age, size, external conditions, recent exercise or activity </p>, <p>70-80</p>, <p>70-120</p>, <p> 350-450</p>, <p>250-300</p>, <p>48-84</p>, <p>26-50</p>, <p>16-34</p>, <p>12-24</p>, <p>32-58</p>, <p>15-30</p> flashcards
ansci lab 1

ansci lab 1

  • Disease

    any abnormal structural or functional change in the body

  • pulse, temperature, respiration rate

    what are the vital signs that were collected

  • Temperature

    the degree of heat of a living body

  • Basal metabolism, musculat activity of the body, heat lsot from the body

    Temperature is the result of balance between heat produced by

  • convection, conduction, radiation, evaporation

    types of heat transfer

  • Thermoregulation

    regulation of heat in an animal, usually keeping it wihtin a specific range

  • Endotherms

    warm blooded animals such as mammals and birds

  • Ectotherms

    cold blooded animals such as reptiles and amphibians

  • Pulse

    the rhythmic periodic thrust felt over an artery in time with the heartbeat

  • Frequency

    number of heartbeats occuring in a minute

  • Rhythm

    normal pulse seen in a series of rhythmic beats that follow each other at regular intervals

  • quality

    the tension on the arterial wall

  • quality

    an indication of the volume of blood flow

  • Respiration

    the act of breathing or taking in oxygen, using it in the body tissues, and giving off carbon dioxide

  • Inspiration

    the expansion of the chest or thorax

  • Expiration

    the explusion of air from the lungs

  • Body size, age, exercise and excitement, environmental temperature, atmospheric conditions, pregnancy, fullness of the digestive tract

    factors affecting respiration

  • Afebrile

    not marked by or having a fevertemperature is not elevated

  • Febrile

    conditon in which the body temperature is elevated

  • Hyperthermia

    high body temperature

  • Hypothermia

    low body temperature

  • Apnea

    absence of breathing

  • Dyspnea

    difficult or labored breathin

  • Bradypnea

    slow rate of breathing

  • Eupnea

    normal breathing

  • Tachypnea

    rapid rate of breathing

  • Bradycardia

    slow heart rate

  • Tachycardia

    rapid heart rate

  • 38.3-39.9

    temp range of sheep

  • 38.5-39.7

    temp range of goat

  • 38.7-39.8

    temp range of pig

  • 40.6-43

    temp range of chicken

  • 36.7-39.1

    temp range of beef cow

  • 38-39.3

    temp range of dairy cow

  • age, size, external conditions, recent exercise or activity

    pulse rate can vary due to

  • 70-80

    sheep and goat heart rate range

  • 70-120

    pig heart rate range

  • 350-450

    chick heart rate range

  • 250-300

    chicken heart rate range

  • 48-84

    dairy cow heart rate range

  • 26-50

    resp range of dairy cow

  • 16-34

    resp range of sheep

  • 12-24

    resp range of goats

  • 32-58

    resp range of pigs

  • 15-30

    resp range for fowl