2025-02-02T13:43:44+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Equius caballos</p>, <p>Equus asinus</p>, <p>Camelus dromedaries </p>, <p>Bos taurus taurus </p>, <p>Bubalus bubalis Linneaus </p>, <p>Ovis aries</p>, <p>Capra hircus </p>, <p>Sus scrofa domesticus </p>, <p>Oryctolagus cuniculus </p>, <p>Gallus gallus domesticus</p>, <p>Anas platyrhynchos </p>, <p>Cairina moschata</p>, <p>Anser domesticus </p>, <p>Meleagris gallopavo </p>, <p>Columba livia </p>, <p>Coturnix coturnix</p>, <p>Numida meleagris </p>, <p>Livestock and poultry production </p>, <p>40 percent</p>, <p>13 percent </p>, <p>28 percent </p>, <p>The animal industry </p>, <p>Animal production </p>, <p>Animal supplies </p>, <p>Animal services </p>, <p>Animal marketing</p>, <p>Animal products</p>, <p>African Swine Fever </p>, <p>ASF vaccine and feed cost </p>, <p>Avian Influenze or Bird flu</p>, <p>Affordability </p> flashcards
ANSCI 1.3 Scientific name

ANSCI 1.3 Scientific name

  • Equius caballos


  • Equus asinus

    Ass or Donkey

  • Camelus dromedaries


  • Bos taurus taurus


  • Bubalus bubalis Linneaus


  • Ovis aries


  • Capra hircus


  • Sus scrofa domesticus


  • Oryctolagus cuniculus


  • Gallus gallus domesticus


  • Anas platyrhynchos

    Mallard duck

  • Cairina moschata

    Muscovy duck

  • Anser domesticus


  • Meleagris gallopavo


  • Columba livia


  • Coturnix coturnix


  • Numida meleagris

    Guinea fowl

  • Livestock and poultry production

    fastest growing agricultural subsector.

  • 40 percent

    how many percent does livestock and poultry production does to the global agricultural production value.

  • 13 percent

    how many percent does livestock and poultry production does of total food energy.

  • 28 percent

    how many percent does livestock and poultry production provide to dietary protein via meat, milk, eggs, and offals.

  • The animal industry

    activities in producing animals and their products or benefits.

  • Animal production

    producing animals for food.

  • Animal supplies

    providing inputs needed to produce animals

  • Animal services

    the technical and professional assistance needed with animals.

  • Animal marketing

    activities that link the producer with the consumer

  • Animal products

    preparing animals or their products for consumption

  • African Swine Fever

    • Affected Luzon and Mindanao. • Caused supply disruptions and significant economic losses. • Lowest hog slaughter figures recorded in 2021.

  • ASF vaccine and feed cost

    • Vaccine availability anticipated toreduce outbreak risk. • Reduced feed costs expected to lowerproduction costs.

  • Avian Influenze or Bird flu

    • Occurred in 2022 • Resulted in the culling of millions of birds. • No noticeable changes in chicken meat production.

  • Affordability

    Chicken meat has become increasingly popular due to