2024-04-09T12:17:54+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Lose your head, be a pain in the neck, Take at face value, Turn a blind eye, Keep an eye out for someone/ something, Face the music, Lose your head, be a pain in the neck, Take at face value, Turn a blind eye, Keep an eye out for someone/ something, Face the music, on the grounds, Inefficient, To prevent sth, Uptight, get on my nerves, make a/your mark (on something), Bitterly, steep decline, Friend, Friendship, Unfriendly, Friendliness, <p>friendship</p>, <p>unfriendly</p>, <p>friendliness</p>, Encourage, Discouraging, Encouragement, Encouraging, <p>discouraging</p>, <p>encouragement</p>, <p>encouraging</p>, Compel, Compelling, Availability, Belongings, Primal, As though, Bodily, Vague, Unbalanced, Accessible, Live up to, Live up to sb’s expectations, Consider, Considerable, Consideration, Considerate, <p>considerable</p>, <p>consideration</p>, <p>considerate</p>, Deceptive, Deceive, Deceitful, Deceit, <p>deceitful</p>, <p>deceit</p>, <p>deceptive</p>, Indication, Sign, Locate, Navigate, Pinpoint, Unrelenting, Intimidate, Amass, Breadth, Enable, Viable, Armed with, Straightforward, Plausible, Come about, Off the beaten track, Create, Creative, Recreate, Creation, <p>creative</p>, <p>recreate</p>, <p>creation</p>, Voluntary, Voluntarily, Involuntary, Volunteer, <p>voluntarily</p>, <p>involuntary</p>, <p>volunteer</p>, <p>booklet</p>, <p>booking</p>, <p>booked</p>, Book, Booking, book up, Booklet, <p>breathe</p>, <p>breathless</p>, <p>breathtaking</p> flashcards
angielski CAE 4

angielski CAE 4

  • Lose your head
    tracić głowę
  • be a pain in the neck
    być utrapieniem dla kogoś
  • Take at face value
    zakładać prawdziwość czegoś, brać coś za dobrą monetę
  • Turn a blind eye
    przymknąć oko
  • Keep an eye out for someone/ something
    wypatrywać kogoś, czegoś
  • Face the music
    Poddać się krytyce, wypić piwo, którego się nawarzyło
  • Lose your head
    stop being calm in a difficult situation 🇬🇧
  • be a pain in the neck
    be annoying 🇬🇧
  • Take at face value
    accept something without thinking about it 🇬🇧
  • Turn a blind eye
    choose to ignore something you know is wrong 🇬🇧
  • Keep an eye out for someone/ something
    watch carefully to see if they/it appears 🇬🇧
  • Face the music
    accept punishment/criticism for something you know you did wrong 🇬🇧
  • on the grounds
    na podstawie
  • Inefficient
  • To prevent sth
    przeciwdziałać czemuś
  • Uptight
  • get on my nerves
    działać na nerwy
  • make a/your mark (on something)
    to have an important effect on something
  • Bitterly
  • steep decline
    gwałtowny spadek
  • Friend
  • Friendship
  • Unfriendly
  • Friendliness
    życzliwość, serdeczność
  • friendship

    (friend) Their ........ began during their time together at university

  • unfriendly

    (friend) The party wasn't very nice and the host was very ........ He didn't even offer us a drink.

  • friendliness

    (friend) The thing you notice most about the people is their ........ . They are so warm and welcoming towards you.

  • Encourage
    ośmielać, zachęcać
  • Discouraging
  • Encouragement
  • Encouraging
  • discouraging

    (encourage) My parents were always ........ me from going into the theatre as a profession. They wanted me to be a doctor

  • encouragement

    (encourage) Our teacher gives us loads of ........ when we feel a little fed up with our lessons. She really knows how to motivate us

  • encouraging

    (encourage) It is very ........ to see the patient making such good progress

  • Compel
    skłaniać, zmuszać, wymuszać
  • Compelling
    przekonywujący, nieodparty
  • Availability
  • Belongings
  • Primal
  • As though
    jak gdyby
  • Bodily
    cielesny, fizyczny, fizjologiczny
  • Vague
    nie do końca jasne, za mgłą, niejasny (adj)
  • Unbalanced
    niewyważony (adj)
  • Accessible
    dostępny (adj)
  • Live up to
    sprostać, spełniać
  • Live up to sb’s expectations
    spełniać czyjeś oczekiwania
  • Consider
    uważać, rozważać
  • Considerable
    znaczny (adj)
  • Consideration
  • Considerate
    liczący z innymi (adj)
  • considerable

    (consider) She's made a ........ improvement in her progress since the start of this term

  • consideration

    (consider) Have you taken into ........ how much a bank loan is going to cost each month?

  • considerate

    (consider) She's such a ........ person. She always thinks of other people first

  • Deceptive
    mylący, zmylny
  • Deceive
  • Deceitful
    podstępny, oszukańczy (adj)
  • Deceit
  • deceitful

    (deceive) I would never trust him if I were you. He's so .......

  • deceit

    (deceive) If there's one thing I can't stand in a person it's ........

  • deceptive

    (deceive) Appearances can be very ........, can't they? I thought she was much younger than that

  • Indication
    oznaka, przejaw
  • Sign
  • Locate
  • Navigate
  • Pinpoint
  • Unrelenting
  • Intimidate
  • Amass
  • Breadth
  • Enable
  • Viable
  • Armed with
    mieć na sobie, uzbrojony w
  • Straightforward
    łatwy, przystępny, jasne, proste
  • Plausible
    przekonywujący, wiarygodny (adj)
  • Come about
    nastąpić, zaistnieć, stać się
  • Off the beaten track
    poza utartą ścieżką
  • Create
  • Creative
    kreatywny, twórczy
  • Recreate
  • Creation
  • creative

    (create) He's a very ........ boy and does well in subjects like art and design

  • recreate

    (create) In the film they try to ........ exactly what would happen during an earthquake

  • creation

    (create) I decorated the living room but the bathroom was my wife's ........

  • Voluntary
  • Voluntarily
  • Involuntary
    mimowolny (adj)
  • Volunteer
  • voluntarily

    (voluntary) Did he offer to do the job ........ or did you have to force him?

  • involuntary

    (voluntary) Some people dislike the idea of military service as it is totally ......... You have no choice whether you do it or not

  • volunteer

    (voluntary) She works as a ........ for a local charitable organisation

  • booklet

    (book) I picked up a ....... from the dentist today on caring for your teeth

  • booking

    (book) I'd like to make a ........ for this afternoon's performance please

  • booked

    (book) I couldn't get tickets as it was all ........ Up

  • Book
  • Booking
  • book up
  • Booklet
    broszura, książeczka
  • breathe

    (breath) OK. Try and ........ more slowly and calm down

  • breathless

    (breath) I must be out of condition. I get ........ just walking up the stairs

  • breathtaking

    (breath) The scenery on holiday was absolutely .........