2022-07-29T20:22:32+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Name some republics of Ancient India, How many kingdoms were in existence during 6th century BC, What factors led to rise of Magadha as Imperial Power, Bimbisara, Ajatshatru, Saisunaga Dynasty, Name some Persian Invasions in India and Their cumulative effect. , Battle of Hydaspes , Kautilya Arthashastra, Visakadatta's Mudrarakshasa, Ceylonese chronicle Dipvamsa and Mahavamsaa, Edicts of Asoka, Chandragupta Maurya, Bindusara, Asoka the great, Buddha, 4 Buddhist councils, 3 Buddhist literatures (Tripitakas), Vardhaman Mahavira, Jainism, Magadha empires, Haryanka Dynasty, Shishunaga dynasty, Nanda Dynasty, Mauryan Dynasty, Alexander the great, Shunga Dynasty, Gupta dynasty, Gupta literature 4th-7th century, Harshavardhana empire, Vakataka dynasty, chalukya dynasty, Pandyan dynasty, Chola dynasty, chera dynasty, Gupta era literature: authors and creations flashcards

Ancient History of India


  • Name some republics of Ancient India
    Sakyas, Licchavis, Mallas. Power of decision vested in Public assembly, which was composed of the tribal representatives or the head of the family
  • How many kingdoms were in existence during 6th century BC
    Four. Avanti, Vatsa, Kosala, MagadhaModern day Ujjain, Kaushambi, Ayodhya, Patna
  • What factors led to rise of Magadha as Imperial Power
    Strategic position between Upper and Lower Gangetic ValleyIts location on centre of highways of trade of those days.Availability of Iron ore at rajgir hills and copper and iron deposits at gaya.political stability under Bimbisara and AjatshatruFertile soil
  • Bimbisara
    First great ruler of Magadha. Consolidated his position through a series of matrimonial alliances. he was contemporary of both Mahavir and Buddha. Both religion claim him as his supporter546-494 B.C.While he alligned Vaishali and Kosala, his successor Ajatshatru fought with them
  • Ajatshatru
    494-462BCFought against Kosala Vaisali. He fortified, Pataligrama, future Pataliputra, to serve as a convenient base of operations against VaisaliGenerally believed that he was initially a follower of Jainism and subsequently endorsed BuddhismHe is said to have met Gautam Buddha, this scene is depicted in Barhut. he created several Chaityas and Viharas,he was instrumental in conducting first Buddhist council at Rajgriha, soon after death of BuddhaHis successor, Udayin, formed new capital at Pataliputra, at confluence of Son and GangaAfter Udayin, the successors were weak rulers and thus Magadha was captured by Saisunaga 
  • Saisunaga Dynasty
    It came to power affter Haryanka dynasty of Bimbisar and Ajatshatru.Saisunaga defeated Avanti and made it a part of Magadha.After him Kalasoka came to power. 2nd Buddhist council in Vaisali was held in his reign. He waas killed by founder of Nanda dynasty
  • Name some Persian Invasions in India and Their cumulative effect. 
    Cyrus. Greatest conqueror of Achamenian empire. he capture Gandhara. 558-530 BCDarius 522-486BC Grandson of Cyrus, captured Indus valley in 518 BCXerxes465-456 He utilised Indian infantry and cavalry to fight in  Greek his opponents. After his defeat Achaemenians influence declined.Effect of Persian Invasion1. Growth of Indo-Iranian trade and commerce2. Kharosti script became popular in NW India, some of Asokan pillars are written in this language.3. Influence of persian art on Mauryas, particularly monolithic pillars of Asoka and Capitols. 4. The very idea of issuing edicts by Asoka and wording used in the edicts are traced to Iranian influence.The Iranian connection proved more fruitful than short lived Indo-Macedonian contact
  • Battle of Hydaspes 
    327 BC between Alexander and Porus. Hydaspes in name of river Jhelum. Porus ruled the state between Jhelum and Chambal. Porus lost. Alexander impressed with courage of Porus reinstated him to throne.Alexander proceeded as far as river Beas, fighting tribes. His soldiers refused to march  forward. He divided the territory between Indus n Beas in three provinces and put them under his governors. Many tribes attacked him in his return jouney. he reached till Babylon and their he fell ill and died in 323 BC
  • Kautilya Arthashastra
    Discovered in 1905. 180 chappter. Three parts. First deals with King and His council. Second with civil and criminal law. Third with Diplomacy and Law. he was a contemporary of Chandragupta Maurya. A very important source to recreate History of Mauryan Empira
  • Visakadatta's Mudrarakshasa
    Drama. Sanskrit. Gupta Period. Describes how Chandragupta with assistance of Kautilya overthrew Nandas. Throws light on socioeconomic conditions under Mauryas
  • Ceylonese chronicle Dipvamsa and Mahavamsaa
    They throw light on role of Asoka in spreading Buddhism in Sri Lanka.
  • Edicts of Asoka
    Mostly written in Pali in Bramhi script.At places Prakrit language is used. In NW, Karosti script was used. 14 Major edicts. They were erected in major cities. XIII Rock edict describes his war with KalingaVII Pilar edict gives a summary of his efforts to promote Dhamma.
  • Chandragupta Maurya
    322-298BCcAPTURED POWER AT 25 AGE.Unified india till Indus. Marched against Selukas Niketar, Alexander general controlling NW India. He was defeated. he gave his daughter in marriage to CM. Megasthenes was sent as an ambassador to Mauryan Court. he embraced Jainism Went to Sravana Belgola near Mysore,with monks led by Bhadrabahu after stepping down from throne for his son Bindusara, and there he committed Sallekhana
  • Bindusara
    298-273 BC.He captured Deccan up to Mysore. Sangam literature also confirms Mauryan invasion of far south. he supported Ajivikas. he appointed his son Asoka as governor of Ujjain. Known as Amitragatha, slayer of enemies. Tibetian monk Taranatha states that he captured 16 states comprising land between two seas.
  • Asoka the great
    273-232 BChe was governor of Ujjain and also suppressed revolts in Taxila. There is a gap of 4 years in his accession to throne and his actual coronation. As per Taranatha of Tibet he killed his 6 brothers including elder Susima. Tissa the youngest was spared. Dipvamsa and Mahavamsa state that Asoka killed his 99 brothersFounght Kalinga war in 261 bc. After war Asoka embraced Buddhism under monk Upagupta. spread Buddhism to all directions including Sri Lanka
  • Buddha
    563BC at Lumbini (Nepal) - 483BC Kushinagar, UPFather Suddhodana was saka ruler, mother Mahamaya (Kosala dynasty) died after Buddha was born. Stepmother Gautami.Married yashodhara at 16. Son named Rahula. Left her at 29.Wandered for 6 years. Attained nirvana at 35 at Gaya in Magadha (Bihar)First sermon called Dharmachakrapavartan was given at Sarnath
  • 4 Buddhist councils
    1st 483BC2nd 383BC3rd 250BC4th 72AD
  • 3 Buddhist literatures (Tripitakas)
    Vinaya Pitaka (rules for monasteries)Sutta Pitaka (Largest pitaka, contains Buddha's sermons)Abhidhamma Pitaka (explanations of the philosophical principles of Buddhism)
  • Vardhaman Mahavira
    599BC kundagram (Bihar) - 527BC Pava (Patna)father Siddhartha mother Trishlamarried yashoda had a daughter named Priyadarsena Related to Bimbisarabecame ascetic at 30attained supreme knowledge at 43 and so named Jaina, Jitendriya, Arihant and Mahavira.
  • Jainism
    founded by Rishabhanatha23rd tirthankar Parshvanath24th Vardhaman MahaviraTwo Jain councils: 3rd century BC at pataliputhra and 5th century AD at vallabhi (Gujarat)
  • Magadha empires
    Haryanka Empire (Bimbisara dynasty) (c. 684 – c. 413 BC)Shishunaga Empire (c. 413 – c. 345 BC)Nanda Empire (c. 345 – c. 321 BC)Maurya Empire (c. 325 – c. 185 BC)Shunga Empire (c. 185 – c. 75 BC)Gupta Empire (AD 320–7th century)
  • Haryanka Dynasty
    544-492 BCE Bimbisara 492-460 BCE Ajatashatru 460-440 BCE Udayabhadra (Udayin)AnuruddhaMundaNāgadāsaka -till 413BCcapital: rajagriha, and later pataliputra
  • Shishunaga dynasty
    413–395 BCE Shishunaga (was minister of ajatshatru)Kakavarna Kalashoka367–345 BCE MahanandinCapital: Rajgir, Vaishali, later Pataliputra
  • Nanda Dynasty
    Capital: PataliputraMahapadma Nanda 345 – 329 BCEDhana Nanda 329 BC – 321 BC
  • Mauryan Dynasty
    322 BCE : Chandragupta Maurya founded the Mauryan Empire by overthrowing the Nanda Dynasty.317–316 BCE : Chandragupta Maurya conquers the Northwest of the Indian subcontinent.305–303 BCE : Chandragupta Maurya gains territory from the Seleucid Empire.298–269 BCE : Reign of Bindusara, Chandragupta's son. He conquers parts of Deccan, southern India.269–232 BCE : The Mauryan Empire under Ashoka, Bindusara's grandson.261 BCE : Ashoka conquers the kingdom of Kalinga.184 BCE : The empire collapses when Brihadnatha, the last emperor, is killed by Pushyamitra Shunga, a Mauryan general and the founder of the Shunga Empire.
  • Alexander the great
    356 Pella, Macedonia-323 BC BabylonSon of Philip IITaught by AristotleBattle of the Granicus against Persia 334 BCBattle of Issus (Turkey) Against Darius of Syria 333 BCinvaded India in 326 BC, remained here for 19monthsHydaspes battle: Porus fought Alexander at the bank of indus river but all other states (Taxila, Punjab, Gandhara etc) surrenderedReturned to Babylon when soldiers refused to go further than Beas fearing the Nanda army
  • Shunga Dynasty
    ten rulers185–151 BCE Pushyamitra Shunga 151–141 BCE Agnimitra (hero of Kalidasa's Mālavikāgnimitram) 83–75 BCE Devabhuti (last shunga. overthrown by vasudeva of kanva dynasty)Capital: PataliputraReligion: Hinduism
  • Gupta dynasty
    AD 320–7th century240s–280s CE Sri-Gupta280–319 CE Ghatotkacha 319–335 Chandragupta I (Maharajadhiraja)335-380 CE Samudragupta375- 415 CE Chandra Gupta II, Vikramaditya 413-455 CE Kumaragupta I455-467 CE Skandagupta 540–550 Vishnu Gupta (last)The Gupta period produced scholars such as Kalidasa, Aryabhata, Varahamihira, Vishnu Sharma and VatsyayanaThis period is called the Golden Age of IndiaThe court of Chandragupta II had the Navaratna (Nine Jewels) including Kalidasa, varahmihir, Amarsimha, Dhanvantri..
  • Gupta literature 4th-7th century
    kalidas: abhijnanashakunthalam, ritusamhara, meghadutam, kumarasambhavam, malavikagnimithram, raghuvansha, vikamurvashi.Vishakhadatta: Mudrarakshasa, DevichandraguptamVishnu sharma: Panchtantra, Hitopdesh
  • Harshavardhana empire
    606-647CEcapital: KannaujRuler of north India except Punjab and Rajasthan regions.Consolidated the small states which had broke up from magadha after Guptas lost power.Empire again broke up after harsha's deathHieun Tsang (prince of travelers visited India at this era)Harsha wrote 3 plays- proyadarshika, ratnavali and nagananda
  • Vakataka dynasty
    250–270 Vindhyashakti 270–330 Pravarasena I 475–500 HarishenaThey were successors of the Satavahanas and predecessors of the chalukyas
  • chalukya dynasty
    Pulakeshin I (543–566)Kirtivarman I (566–597)Mangalesha (597–609)Pulakeshin II (609–642)Vikramaditya I (655–680)Vinayaditya (680 -696)Vijayaditya (696–733)Vikramaditya II (733–746)Kirtivarman II (746–753)
  • Pandyan dynasty
    560–590 CE Kadungon1251-1268 Jatavarman Sundara Pandyan, expanded the empire into Telugu country, conquered Kalinga (Orissa) and invaded and conquered Sri Lanka 1309–1345 CE Vira Pandyan IV1422-1463 CE Jatavarman Parakrama Pandyan
  • Chola dynasty
    848–871 Vijayalaya Chola1246–1279 Rajendra Chola III (conquered parts of Malaysia and Indonesia)had large navy
  • chera dynasty
    3rd century BCE–10th century CE Senguttuvan Chera is famous for the legends surrounding Kannagi, the heroine of the Tamil epic SilapathikaramRama Varma Kulashekhara 1090-1102
  • Gupta era literature: authors and creations
    Kalidasa: Abhinjanashakunthalam, kumarasambhavam, malavikagnimitram,Vikramurvashi, (ritusamhara, meghadutam, raghuvansha were epics)Vishakadatta: MudrarakshasaVishnu Sharma: Panchatantra, hitopdeshSudraka: mrichchakattikamBharavi: KiratarjuniyaBhasha: Charudatta and other 12 playsAmarsimha: AmarakoshaVyasa: MahabharataValmiki: Ramayana