2019-10-30T15:58:25+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueRights, Popular sovereignty, Consent of the governed, Preamble, Self-government, Legislature, Congress, Senate, House of Representatives, Commerce, Cabinet, Extradition, Republican, Amendment, Federalism, Ratificationflashcards
Powers or privileges granted to people either by an agreement among themselves or by law
Popular sovereignty
A government in which the people rule by their own consent (expressed in the right to vote)
Consent of the governed
The idea that government derives its authority by the people.
(n.) an introduction to a speech or piece of writing
The right of people to rule themselves independently
lawmaking body
the legislature of the United States government
the upper house of Congress that has 2 representative for each state
House of Representatives
the lower house of Congress, consisting of a different number of representatives from each state, depending on population
the buying and selling of goods and services
A group of advisers to the president.
The legal process by which a fugitive from justice in one state is returned to that state
a person advocating or supporting republican government.
A change to the Constitution
A system in which power is divided between the national and state governments
Formal approval
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