2024-09-26T22:46:03+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>What were the weaknesses/problems the early American states faced under the Articles of Confederation?</p>, <p>What were the main complaints of farmers during Daniel Shay's Rebellion?</p>, <p>Why were the farmers upset during Shay's Rebellion?</p>, <p>How did Shay's Rebellion end?</p>, <p>What was the significance of the war bonds held by farmers?</p>, <p>What events in 1785 contributed to the financial struggles of farmers?</p>, <p>What questions reflect the sentiment of the farmers regarding the Revolution?</p>, <p>Why are debtors' prisons no longer used today?</p> flashcards
American Government Quiz 2

American Government Quiz 2

  • What were the weaknesses/problems the early American states faced under the Articles of Confederation?

    Weak central government with no power to tax

    No executive branch to enforce laws

    No national judiciary to settle disputes

    Difficulties in regulating interstate commerce

    Unanimous consent required for amendments

    Inability to maintain a standing army

    Lack of federal currency

  • What were the main complaints of farmers during Daniel Shay's Rebellion?

    High taxes and debt leading to foreclosure on farms

    Lack of representation in government decisions

    Economic hardship post-Revolution, especially regarding war bonds

    Harassment from tax collectors and legal courts

  • Why were the farmers upset during Shay's Rebellion?

    They felt their needs were ignored by the state government

    Financial difficulties worsened by the devaluation of war bonds

    Perceived injustice in the legal system favoring creditors over debtors

    Desire for a government that addressed their economic plight

  • How did Shay's Rebellion end?

    Elites funded a mercenary militia to suppress the rebellion

    Resulted in four deaths and many injuries

    Many participants were imprisoned but later pardoned

    Governor Hancock returned to power in 1787

  • What was the significance of the war bonds held by farmers?

    Farmers and veterans were paid in promissory notes worth significantly less than face value

    Many sold bonds to speculators for much less than their worth

    Contributed to economic distress and frustration leading to rebellion

  • What events in 1785 contributed to the financial struggles of farmers?

    Failed Alexandria Meeting

    Failed Annapolis Meeting

    Lack of federal response to economic issues

  • What questions reflect the sentiment of the farmers regarding the Revolution?

    "Is this the revolution we fought for?"

    Whose revolution was it? Which group truly embodied the Spirit of '76?

  • Why are debtors' prisons no longer used today?

    Modern legal and economic reforms prioritize financial rehabilitation over punishment

    Recognized as inhumane and ineffective for resolving debt issues