2025-03-04T07:35:26+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueALARA Limit 1 values as a percentage of annual limits, ALARA Limit 2 values as a percentage of annual limits, Dose limits for the embryo/fetus, Annual limit for TEDE, ALARA Limit 1 for TEDE, ALARA Limit 2 for TEDE, Annual limit for SDE, ALARA Limit 1 for SDE, ALARA Limit 2 for SDE, Annual limit for DDE, Annual limit for LDE, ALARA Limit 1 for DDE, ALARA Limit 2 for DDE, ALARA Limit 1 for LDE, ALARA Limit 2 for LDEflashcards
ALARA Limit 1 values as a percentage of annual limits
10% of the permissible limit of occupational exposure
ALARA Limit 2 values as a percentage of annual limits
30% of the permissible limit of occupational exposure; If exceeded, corrective action must be taken
Dose limits for the embryo/fetus
0.5 rem (500 mrem)
Annual limit for TEDE
5 rem (= 5000 mrem = 50 mSv)
ALARA Limit 1 for TEDE
500 mrem
ALARA Limit 2 for TEDE
1500 mrem
Annual limit for SDE
50 rem (= 50,000 mrem = 500 mSv)
ALARA Limit 1 for SDE
5,000 mrem
ALARA Limit 2 for SDE
15,000 mrem
Annual limit for DDE
5 rem (= 5000 mrem = 50 mSv)
Annual limit for LDE
15 rem (= 15,000 mrem = 150 mSv)
ALARA Limit 1 for DDE
500 mrem
ALARA Limit 2 for DDE
1500 mrem
ALARA Limit 1 for LDE
1500 mrem
ALARA Limit 2 for LDE
4500 mrem
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