2025-02-19T16:59:38+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Primary tillage</p>, <p>moldboard plow, discp plow </p>, <p>Secondary tillage </p>, <p>Spring tooth harrow, Disc harrow, spike tooth harrow </p>, <p>Inter-row cultivation </p>, <p>Interrow cultivatior, crop cultivator, sweep cultivator</p>, <p>Circuitous </p>, <p>Headland </p>, <p>headland (one-way)</p>, <p>Headland (one -way)</p>, <p>Headland (Gathering)</p>, <p>Headland (Casting)</p>, <p>42-45</p>, <p>15-25</p>, <p>Disc</p>, <p>Gang </p>, <p>Gang bolt </p>, <p>single action </p>, <p>Double action </p>, <p>Tandem disc harrow </p>, <p>Offset disc harrow</p> flashcards
agsci module 2 tillage

agsci module 2 tillage

  • Primary tillage

    – is performed to: • Open up any cultivable land • Prepare a seedbed • Break or loosen compact soil

  • moldboard plow, discp plow

    equipment used in primary tillage

  • Secondary tillage

    – is performed: • Break soil clods into finer soil particles • Crushed weeds and other vegetation • Improve soil tilth and granulation

  • Spring tooth harrow, Disc harrow, spike tooth harrow

    equipment used in secondary tillage

  • Inter-row cultivation

    s performed: • When crops are planted and established • Control weed in between the rows of crops

  • Interrow cultivatior, crop cultivator, sweep cultivator

    equipment used in inter row cultivation

  • Circuitous

    a pattern which Plowing begins at the edge of the field and works toward the center of the field always throwing the soil towards the outside of the field. It is the most commonly used system for ploughing in Asia. It is commonly used with moldboards, discs

  • Headland

    This system is used for bigger pieces of land and can only be used for tined implements, rotovators, harrows and reversible ploughs.

  • headland (one-way)

    • Most field efficient system

  • Headland (one -way)

    plowed in runs parallel to each other. It starts at one boundary of the field and ends at the opposite with turns being made on the headlands.

  • Headland (Gathering)

    ploughing to begin in the center of the field and works out to the edges.

  • Headland (Casting)

    • Requires plowing to begin at the edges. • Furrow slices are turned to the edges of the field

  • 42-45

    disc angle for disc plow

  • 15-25

    tilt angle for disc plow

  • Disc

    is the circular concave revolving steel plate used for cutting the soil clods.

  • Gang

    each set of discs that are mounted on a common shaft

  • Gang bolt

    a square headed bolt from the other end, a set of discs are mounted on the gang bolt

  • single action

    two gangs placed end to end.

  • Double action

    - consist of two or more gangs. A set of two or more gangs follow behind the set of the other one or two. The gang throw the soil in opposite direction

  • Tandem disc harrow

    comprise of four gangs angled in opposite direction

  • Offset disc harrow

    two gangs of concave discs mounted on a frame, one behind the other