Thomas Robert Malthus
British philosopher and ecobnomist
Known for his population growth philosophies
Malthusian Growth Model
Thomas Robert Malthus noted what?
Thomas Robert Malthus
wrote An essay in the First principle of Population in 1798
Food is necessary for human existence
Human population tends to grow faster than the power of the eart to produce subsistence
Core principles of Malthus
Population and Food SupplyPopulation Control
Elements of Malthusian Theory
Geometric rate
Populations grows at what rate
Arithmetic rate
Food grows at what rate
Malthusian catastrophe
population and production meets in Malthusian graph
decreased birth rate
negative checks
increased death rate
positive checks
Poor health condition, Famine, Disease, Economic condition, War
Coniditions which increases death rate
Food Security
exist when all people, at all times have physical and economical access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.
Food self-sufficiency
an ability of a country to meet the demand for food by supplying food from its own domestic production
Food self-sufficiency
producing all the food requirement of the people within the country's boarders regardless of the cost of attaining the goal
Food availability
refers to the physical existence of food
Food availabilty on national level
it is a combination of domestic food production, commercial food production imports and exports, food aid and domestic food stocks
Food availability on household level
it could be from own production or brought from the local markets
Food access
ensured when all households have enough resources to obtain food in sufficient quantity, quality, and diversity for a nutritious diet
access to adequate food at all times
Availability, access, stabiltiy, utilisation
dimensions of food security
Populatiom growth, Dependence on fossil fuel, Global catastrophic risks, Land uses change,
Risk to food security