2023-11-21T19:32:15+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueWhat are the two distinct sectors of the Philippine dairy industry?, What is the percentage of gross supply coming from the importing and processing sector?, What is the percentage of gross supply coming from the milk producing sector?, What is the characteristic of the Philippines' milk producing sector?, What was the local production of milk in 2019 and how much did it gross?, What is the expected local production of milk in 2020?, What are the reasons for the steady growing trends of dairy production in the Philippines?, What was the average farm gate price of milk in 2019?, What is the estimated dairy animal inventory in 2019?, How many dairy cattle were registered in 2019?, What is the average milk production per animal in cattle?, What is the average milk production per animal in carabao?, What is the average milk production per animal in goat?, What percentage of total milk produced in the Philippines was cow's milk in 2019?, What percentage of total milk produced in the Philippines was carabao's milk in 2019?, What percentage of total milk produced in the Philippines was goat's milk in 2019?, What was the dairy sector's contribution to the total agricultural production value in 2019?, What was the dairy sector's contribution to the total livestock production value in 2019?, What was the annual per capita milk consumption in the Philippines in 2018?, What is the price range of fresh fluid milk in a mid-range Manila supermarket?, What is the percentage of fresh liquid milk consumed in the Philippines that is produced locally?, What is the Philippines' annual dairy demand?, What are the top three agricultural imports of the Philippines?, What was the total value of dairy products imported by the Philippines in 2019?, Which country has the largest share of dairy product imports by volume in the Philippines?flashcards
What are the two distinct sectors of the Philippine dairy industry?
What are the two distinct sectors of the Philippine dairy industry?
What is the percentage of gross supply coming from the importing and processing sector?
What is the percentage of gross supply coming from the importing and processing sector?
What is the percentage of gross supply coming from the milk producing sector?
What is the percentage of gross supply coming from the milk producing sector?
What is the characteristic of the Philippines' milk producing sector?
What is the characteristic of the Philippines' milk producing sector?
What was the local production of milk in 2019 and how much did it gross?
What was the local production of milk in 2019 and how much did it gross?
What is the expected local production of milk in 2020?
What is the expected local production of milk in 2020?
What are the reasons for the steady growing trends of dairy production in the Philippines?
What are the reasons for the steady growing trends of dairy production in the Philippines?
What was the average farm gate price of milk in 2019?
What was the average farm gate price of milk in 2019?
What is the estimated dairy animal inventory in 2019?
What is the estimated dairy animal inventory in 2019?
How many dairy cattle were registered in 2019?
How many dairy cattle were registered in 2019?
What is the average milk production per animal in cattle?
What is the average milk production per animal in cattle?
What is the average milk production per animal in carabao?
What is the average milk production per animal in carabao?
What is the average milk production per animal in goat?
What is the average milk production per animal in goat?
What percentage of total milk produced in the Philippines was cow's milk in 2019?
What percentage of total milk produced in the Philippines was cow's milk in 2019?
What percentage of total milk produced in the Philippines was carabao's milk in 2019?
What percentage of total milk produced in the Philippines was carabao's milk in 2019?
What percentage of total milk produced in the Philippines was goat's milk in 2019?
What percentage of total milk produced in the Philippines was goat's milk in 2019?
What was the dairy sector's contribution to the total agricultural production value in 2019?
What was the dairy sector's contribution to the total agricultural production value in 2019?
What was the dairy sector's contribution to the total livestock production value in 2019?
What was the dairy sector's contribution to the total livestock production value in 2019?
What was the annual per capita milk consumption in the Philippines in 2018?
What was the annual per capita milk consumption in the Philippines in 2018?
What is the price range of fresh fluid milk in a mid-range Manila supermarket?
What is the price range of fresh fluid milk in a mid-range Manila supermarket?
What is the percentage of fresh liquid milk consumed in the Philippines that is produced locally?
What is the percentage of fresh liquid milk consumed in the Philippines that is produced locally?
What is the Philippines' annual dairy demand?
What is the Philippines' annual dairy demand?
What are the top three agricultural imports of the Philippines?
What are the top three agricultural imports of the Philippines?
What was the total value of dairy products imported by the Philippines in 2019?
What was the total value of dairy products imported by the Philippines in 2019?
Which country has the largest share of dairy product imports by volume in the Philippines?
Which country has the largest share of dairy product imports by volume in the Philippines?
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