High intensity, short duration, without oxygen. Non-ocidative, producing lactic acid
aerobic exercise
Activities that use large muscle groups, are rhythmic, and can be performed at 60-80% of predicted maximum heart rate, for long duration
Elastic vessels that carry blood away form the heart
aerobic capacity
A measure of the maximum ability to take in, transport, and utilize oxygen
cardiac output
The amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute. The product of stroke volume times the heart rate
Time length of training session
Number of workouts to reach training effect
heart rate
The number of times the heart beats per minute known as the pulse
The physiological stress on the body during exercise
lactic acid
Chemical by-product of an anerobic metabolism
maximum heart rate
The highest attainable heart rate
maximum oxygen uptake
The largest amount of oxygen that cen be consumes per minute
The process in which fuels are broken down to produce energy
recovery heart rate
Heart rate taken after exercise at a set time, faster the heart returns to resting rate the better condition the heart is in.
Target zone
The intensity of exercise that will produce significant cardiovascular benefits (approx. 60-85% of predicted MHR)
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