2023-11-09T19:26:40+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>What is a static budget?</p>, <p>What is a flexible budget?</p>, <p>What is management by exception?</p>, <p>What does a favorable revenue variance mean?</p>, <p>What does an unfavorable spending variance mean?</p> flashcards
ACC Quiz #5

ACC Quiz #5

  • What is a static budget?

    is a budget prepared for one sales level. Which is usually forecasted sales for the upcoming year.

  • What is a flexible budget?

    is a budget for various sales levels usually are actual sales during the year.

  • What is management by exception?

    is the concept that managers should only spend their time explaining significantly large favorable or unfavorable variances.

  • What does a favorable revenue variance mean?

    That means that actual sales revenue is greater than what was anticipated.

  • What does an unfavorable spending variance mean?

    When we spent more on perks and products, paying employees than we planned to spend throughout the year. Spent more than we thought.