2022-05-15T18:23:19+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>when does the striated muscle contract</p>, <p>contraction of a striated muscle (1)</p>, <p>contraction of a striated muscle (2)</p>, <p>contraction of a striated muscle (3)</p>, <p>contraction of a striated muscle (4)</p> flashcards

A2 Stimulating Contraction in Striated Muscle

CIE Syllabus

  • when does the striated muscle contract

    when it receives an impulse from a motor neurone via the neuromuscular junction

  • contraction of a striated muscle (1)

    when an impulse travelling along the axon of a motor neurone arrives at the presynaptic membrane the action potential causes calcium ions to diffuse into the neurone

  • contraction of a striated muscle (2)

    this stimulates vesicles conatining the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine (ACh) to fuse with the presynaptic membrane

  • contraction of a striated muscle (3)

    the released ACh diffuses across the neuromuscular junction and binds to receptor proteins on the sarcolemma

  • contraction of a striated muscle (4)

    ion channels in the sarcolemma are stimulated to open allowing sodium ions to diffuse in