2022-05-17T15:36:10+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>what can the rate constant be calculated using</p>, <p>in order to find the rate constant k, how can the progress of the reaction be followed </p>, <p>to find the rate constant k step 1</p>, <p>to find the rate constant k step 2</p>, <p>to find the rate constant k step 3</p>, <p>from which order of reaction are we expected to calculate the rate constant from</p> flashcards

A2 Rate Constant Calculations

CIE Syllabus

  • what can the rate constant be calculated using

    the initial rates and the rate equation

    the half-life

  • in order to find the rate constant k, how can the progress of the reaction be followed

    by measuring the initial rates of the reaction using various initial concentrations

  • to find the rate constant k step 1

    rearrange the rate equation to find k

  • to find the rate constant k step 2

    substitute the values of one of the experiments to find k

  • to find the rate constant k step 3

    confirm the value of k using values from other experiments

  • from which order of reaction are we expected to calculate the rate constant from

    the first order reaction