2022-05-15T12:24:29+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>how is the blood glucose concentration regulated</p>, <p>what is the process in negative feedback systems</p>, <p>what is the NFM process in control of BGC</p>, <p>what are the effectors activated in response to insulin</p>, <p>what is the effector activated in response to glucagon</p> flashcards

A2 Negative Feedback Control of Blood Glucose

CIE Syllabus

  • how is the blood glucose concentration regulated

    by negative feedback control mechanisms

  • what is the process in negative feedback systems

    receptors detect whether a specific level is too low or too high

    information is communicated through the hormonal or nervous system to effectors

    effectors react to counteract the change by bringing the level back to normal

  • what is the NFM process in control of BGC

    alpha and beta cells in the pancreas act as the receptors

    they release the hormones glucagon from alpha cells and insulin from beta cells

    liver cells, muscle cells and fat cells are the effectors

  • what are the effectors activated in response to insulin

    liver ,muscle and fat cells

  • what is the effector activated in response to glucagon

    liver cells