2022-05-17T23:26:02+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>what is the use of a catalyst</p>, <p>what are the two types of catalysts</p>, <p>what are homogenous catalysts </p>, <p>what are heterogenous catalysts</p> flashcards

A2 Homogenous & Heterogenous Catalysts

CIE Syllabus

  • what is the use of a catalyst

    increase the rate of reaction by providing an alternative pathway which has a lower

  • what are the two types of catalysts

    homogenous and heterogenous

  • what are homogenous catalysts

    catalysts that are in the same phase as the reaction mixture

  • what are heterogenous catalysts

    catalysts that are in a different phase to the rest of the reaction mixture