2021-09-15T11:49:00+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Name the gland &amp; one hormone it produces.</p>, <p>Name the gland &amp; one hormone it produces.</p>, <p>Name the gland &amp; one hormone it produces.</p>, <p>Name the gland &amp; one hormone it produces.</p>, <p>Name the gland &amp; one hormone it produces.</p>, <p>Name the gland &amp; one hormone it produces.</p>, <p>- What is the specific region DEEP inside of this gland?</p><p>- Name one hormone it produces.</p>, <p>Name the gland &amp; one hormone it produces.</p>, <p>- Name the specific part of this gland.</p><p>- Name one hormone it produces.</p>, <p>- Name the specific part of this gland.</p><p>- Name one hormone it produces.</p>, <p>Name the gland &amp; one hormone it produces.</p>, <p>Name the structure.</p>, <p>Name type of cells in this area.</p>, <p>Name type of cells in this area.</p>, <p>Type of cell and basic function.</p>, <p>Type of cell and basic function.</p>, <p>- Name the blood type.</p><p>- What type of antibodies would this person make?</p>, <p>- Name the blood type.</p><p>- What type of antibodies would this person make?</p>, <p>- Name the blood type.</p><p>- What type of antibodies would this person make?</p>, <p>Type of cell and basic function.</p>, <p>Type of cell and basic function.</p>, <p>Type of cell and basic function.</p> flashcards

A&P2 UNIT 1 Endocrine Glands & Blood

Practice Lab Quiz 2 Unlabeled Images

  • Name the gland &amp; one hormone it produces.

    Name the gland & one hormone it produces.

    - Pineal gland

    - produces melatonin (increases in the dark)

  • Name the gland &amp; one hormone it produces.

    Name the gland & one hormone it produces.

    - Thyroid gland

    - produces Thyroid Hormone and Calcitonin (parafollicular cells/ C cells)

  • Name the gland &amp; one hormone it produces.

    Name the gland & one hormone it produces.

    - Thyroid gland

    - produces Thyroid Hormone and Calcitonin (parafollicular cells/ C cells)

  • Name the gland &amp; one hormone it produces.

    Name the gland & one hormone it produces.

    - Thyroid gland

    - produces Thyroid Hormone and Calcitonin (parafollicular cells/ C cells)

  • Name the gland &amp; one hormone it produces.

    Name the gland & one hormone it produces.

    - Thymus

    - produces Thymosin.

  • Name the gland &amp; one hormone it produces.

    Name the gland & one hormone it produces.

    - Adrenal glands

    - produces Aldosterone, Cortisol, Epinephrine, & Norepinephrine.

  • - What is the specific region DEEP inside of this gland?- Name one hormone it produces.

    - What is the specific region DEEP inside of this gland?

    - Name one hormone it produces.

    - This is the adrenal gland sitting on top of a kidney.

    - the superficial part is the adrenal cortex that produces cortisol and aldosterone.

    - the DEEP structure inside the adrenal gland is the Adrenal Medulla that produces epinephrine and norepinephrine.

  • Name the gland &amp; one hormone it produces.

    Name the gland & one hormone it produces.

    - Pancreas

    - produces insulin and glucagon.

  • - Name the specific part of this gland.- Name one hormone it produces.

    - Name the specific part of this gland.

    - Name one hormone it produces.

    - Tail of the Pancreas

    - pancreas produces insulin and glucagon.

  • - Name the specific part of this gland.- Name one hormone it produces.

    - Name the specific part of this gland.

    - Name one hormone it produces.

    - Tail of the Pancreas

    - pancreas produces insulin and glucagon.

  • Name the gland &amp; one hormone it produces.

    Name the gland & one hormone it produces.

    - Ovary

    - produces estrogen and progesterone.

  • Name the structure.

    Name the structure.

    - Structure circled is the Infundibulum/ Pituitary Stalk connecting the hypothalamus (top portion) to the pituitary gland (bottom portion).

  • Name type of cells in this area.

    Name type of cells in this area.

    - Acinar Cells (surround the pancreatic islets)

    - image is part of the pancreas; big clump there are pancreatic islets producing insulin and glucagon.

  • Name type of cells in this area.

    Name type of cells in this area.

    - Platelets/ Thrombocytes

    - involved in blood clotting

  • Type of cell and basic function.

    Type of cell and basic function.

    - Monocyte

    (becomes a macrophage)

    - involved in inflammation and phagocytosis.

  • Type of cell and basic function.

    Type of cell and basic function.

    - Eosinophil

    (pinkish granules, bilobed nucleus)

    - function is to fight parasitic infection, involved in inflammation and allergic reactions.

  • - Name the blood type.- What type of antibodies     would this person make?

    - Name the blood type.

    - What type of antibodies would this person make?

    - Showing agglutination for protein A and Rh = blood type is A+.

    - Will make antibodies to protein B (it is a protein they DON'T have).

  • - Name the blood type.- What type of antibodies     would this person make?

    - Name the blood type.

    - What type of antibodies would this person make?

    - Blood type= O- ..there is no reaction in any of the cells.

    - Antibodies to A, B, and Rh

    - Universal Donor

  • - Name the blood type.- What type of antibodies     would this person make?

    - Name the blood type.

    - What type of antibodies would this person make?

    - Blood type= AB+ ..reactions in all three cells.

    - Will not make antbodies to A, B, or Rh.

    - Universal Recipient

  • Type of cell and basic function.

    Type of cell and basic function.

    - Neutrophil

    - phagocytosis of bacteria

  • Type of cell and basic function.

    Type of cell and basic function.

    - Basophil

    - release Histamine and Heparin to stimulate inflammation

  • Type of cell and basic function.

    Type of cell and basic function.

    - Lymphocyte

    - makes antibodies for an immune response and kills tumor cells.

  • - Thyroid Gland

    (large balls= follicles filled with colloid, the cells around the follicles= follicle cells/ C cells/ Parafollicular cells: makes Calcitonin to lower Calcium levels)

    - produces the Thyroid Hormone


  • - Adrenal Gland

    - deep portion; darkly stained purple= Adrenal Medulla

    - top surface= Capsule

    - from the adrenal medulla to the surface is the Adrenal cortex.

  • - part of the adrenal cortex, from top to bottom:

    - Zona Glomerulosa produces Aldosterone

    - Zona Fasciculata produces Cortisol

    - Zona Reticularis produces Androgens

    - part of the Adrenal Medulla, are Chromaffin Cells that produce Epinephrine and Norepinephrine.

  • - Posterior Pituitary - neural

    - produces Oxytocin & ADH

  • - Anterior Pituitary - endocrine

    - produces tropic hormones

    - ACTH, TSH